如果要走,请你记得我, 如果难过,请你忘了我
Please turn back I will walk with you till the end
Even if there is no result I can bear it
I know your pain Is the promise I gave
You said you gave me tolerance before Silence was because of forgiveness
If you have to leave please remember me
If you are sad please forget me
Lovin it so.....much... >.^
Especially this part... Muakx

no pic can be upload..
Aiks Hate it lerr...
He asked me go yam cha...
i dun expect wat..
Juz hope we r stil fren..
I noe i had hurt him..
But he is cruel enuff too...
so fair d huh...

i m not sorry...
I din said i love ya...
I wont say it axcept if i mean it.. Hahax..