I have 5 free period in school today. I went to library to study but end up saw someone cute there. So, i had mainly looking at some other place. keke. After awhile i went back to class and camwhor with my friends. Those guys are really ultra camwhorer. Gosh. We took alots of photo but in CJ phone, well, i will upload it one day. You guarantee laugh if you ever saw those pictures. I went to school in the afternoon too. I went to chopped wood. But people complaining say i very slow. So i stopped. I have sweet time with my darling today. And. Thanks alot to gary. You know why right? Just thanks. My darling spike his hair today, poser jun kang was there asking what type of gel he use and things like that. Tsk. Just, darling, i like spending time with you. Muakx.