Taylor's organised one day college life..it's hotel management..and it's not my thing at all..I'm just there to have fun~Jungzhen. yuansoon. tse tsyuan.. ivanC... and chian wei was there~we are the noisiest gang.. wakaka~~
Some training session..
i slice this..
it look horrible i know..
but the trainer said it's okay!!
According to him this 80sen fruit can become 2o ringgit!!
if.. we slice it in front of the customer in a fine dine restaurant..
and of course..
if.. we sis it nicely~~

Lunch time..
follow those guys to play pool.
sit there.. bored!!
i can play...
and so i beg tse tsyuan and jung zhen let me and wei play..

Nah~ my si fu..
tse tsyuan!! hee..

hE teach how to play..
so sweet of him.. boo~
first time play.
I'm kinda excited!!

When we got back it's already..
but.. who cares.. ngenge..
and.. this flower is made from sugar...
i mean SUGAR!!
its amazing..
and and..
there is a cool fellow..
performing cocktail somethinh something..
it's so nice!!
probably because that guy seriously look great!!]
Sometimes.when its not for us.It will never be yours.AND...i am in love with~AVRIL LAVIGNE....GIRLFRIEND!!Hee..I'm the motherfucking princess~~boo~~