Enrolement Day 2007
Once a scouts, Always a scouts.
I love scouting I love my junior and my fellow b.o.d member.!
Last day in this uniform.
Forgive me for being so ss.
Yesterday, 21st July 2007 was to be said as my most memorable day in this year. I passed my post down to the upcoming b.o.d. And it's my last time wearing this uniform. I don't i should feel sad or happy. Happy that my junior had groe up so much and time to take over the b.o.d. Sad that we are leaving them soon. I remember, long long time ago... I was a scouts that doesn't commit at all. Whenever there is scouts meeting, i will be sitting at the canteen goyang kaki and chatting all around. If I ever attend meeting, I will always be late, my uniform will always be incomplete. I remember i had wear jeans and scout's shirt to meeting. Sophie said he told kok wai, I'm leaving scouts soon. But, my senior had gave a chance. They made me join perbarisan during sports day when I'm in form 3. I guess that is when I'm really into scouts. That chance changes me. Sophie told me that I'm her miracle. From someone who is so not commited, i went into the b.o.d. and stay in scouts till now. I had to admit that i really learn alot of things. Last year campfire night, we as the organizer had bad fight among us. There are lots of misunderstanding. I had even cried during the meeting. After that, we learn to tolerate and learn that problems in scouts should never bring to friendship. This year, camp fire night I will count it as a success. Not because anything, but I saw the bond and the team work in 104th scouts. I really learn alot in scouts.
Once a scouts, Always a scouts.
Last day in this uniform.
Forgive me for being so ss.

she is taking over my post as the INTERNAL AFFAIRS OFFICER.
John Quek Intensive Course
After enrolment day i went to segi college for this whatever course that cost rm360.

Break time.
We had lunch voucher to have lunch in summit mcd.
After eating when to the pool centre.
Thanks shyuan again.
Conclusion, I SUX in pool.
And ryan, u sux!@!

The house.
when we reached,
We know we got CORN.
not sweet corn.
Just... our junior lied to us.
Not only them, Our ASM knew their plan too.
They told us we have to dress up strictly former.
we saw all of them in casual.
They said they want us to get the most attention.
Yeah, we got the attention.
when we reached.
cameras start flashing on us.

The food was nice.
We have our personal waiter.Lol.
The service is good.
Our senior is like...
"er... why during our time you guys didn't do it like that for us?"
We are...