got tagged by tiff.. =)
Seven things to be done before my death
1. Get married
2. Hundreds pair of heels, pumps
3. Full wardrobe of clothes
4. Own condo with interior design
5. Pink sportscar
6. Make sure my parents have a good life
7. Having a hot body
seven things i will NOT do even if it kills me.
1. Murder
2. Betray my family
3. Being like a slut
4. Give up in Love
5. Taking drugs
6. Stop loving chocolates
7. Not being who I actually am
Seven things I do when I'm away from the public.
1. Look into the mirror and talk to myself
2. Burst into tears
3. Sing
4. Act cute
5. Reveal my big big tummy
6. day dreaming. and smile
7. Manja with boyfrenku
Seven favourite sentences/quotes
1. Huh.. er.. I dunno
2. Hmmm.
3. Fuck u la. (recently)
4. What the..
5. Omgosh
6. Darling..
7. Ble~
Seven favourite songs from all time.
1. Jie kou - Jay Chou.
2. Chi xin jue dui - Leeshengjie
3. Ai xiao de yan qing- Vivian Hsu
4. Cry - Rihanna
5. Beautiful Girl - jojo
6. Big Girl don't cry - Fergie
7. How to touch a girl - Jojo
Seven things I'll make you wish you didn't do if you did
1. Betray me
2. Seduce my boyfren
3. Insult people that are important to me
4. Backstabbed me
5. Steal my PENCILBOX
6. cheat me
7. stop loving me ( ei, boyfren)
Seven people to be tagged
1. Chian wei
2. Carlston
3. you
4. you
5. you
6. you
7. you !!!
seems like everyone also kena tagged d!
People, i got my colour lens.