I QUIT my job @ F.O.S.
without getting any pay. I suppose already have RM172.
I just couldn't stand those rules.
People that hated rules so much like me should never be there.
First of all, Stupid uniform.
All my friend came to visit me will complain bout my uniform.
Shin yee worst, she said she couldn't recognize me in that uniform.
Second, I cant talk to my friend.
Third, I cant hold phone with me.
WTH la, what if sudddenly I got emergency.
Forth, it's DAMM boring there.
No hair dye, no dangling stuff, must tie hair.............
Okie.. I should quit.
I am the only chinese female promoter there. wth.
My mum scolded me.
She said I should have think properly before I work.
Oh well,,, i WILL... Next time.
Tomorrow i guess, I will be going pyramid again searh for new job.
Hopefully there's people that willhire someone like me. =)
my BASTARD boyfren went to macau.
left me alone here.
How could him.???!!!!!
I freakin miss him now!!!!!!