I love you boyfriend. I am greedy.
I hope I can have all your time. though I know it's impossible =(

It's monday. Damm little customer today.
We camwhored and take turns to go out for shopping. =)
cool job huh? got shopping break. ble.
Yang came visit today.
I hate him yet I miss him!
He is so fun! though he bully me sometimes.
* most of the time, I'm bullying him* hee!
oh yeah!
Michelle & IvanK came to visit me ALOT!!
* cough cough *
& That bitch in my shop is getting worst.
Fuck up attitude wei!
She act like she is damm close with everyone when she is not!
I found out that there's many more people that dislike her!
macam beautiful!
macam tau banyak. piuk!
* inside jokes *