I dunno who took this.. is a quarter of emma legs and mine ~

Ivan tryin to be lala.. Hahax
Me and Gary< Look so blur..

1st of all. On 31st january together with a groups of friends we had great time in victoria station celebrating my babe birthday.Well. i got back my phone from service already. But. I bring it to school, i took photoes outside the class with my friend. happily camwhoring. and. then. comes the terrible UNG!! aND. ma phone is taken. Sobz. She told me i could only take it back on end of the year 2007. WTF!! I beg her for damm long and at last she said ::" ask your mother come see me next friday." Wohooo. bUT. She took my sim card and i got to have phone starve for a week. I cant stand it. so, i brought a new sim card. >.6 I sick for a week already but stil haven't recover. suffer!! I hate medicine~ Although one of it is pink in colour. Aiks.