Saturday, March 31, 2007
4:52 PM
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
6:54 PM
Why am I a girl.?And got to suffer like this.Ish.. I get to go home 11 plus today.. Know why??I got period pain. Ate five tablets of panadol in school, but it doesn't seems to work.I cant stand it till i burst into tears.Well, i call my aunt up and ask her to bring me home.ReACH home. i straight faint. Gosh. I m lucky that i m at home.The pain continue and my mum give me another two tablet panadol plus some don't Know what tablet.I ate it. I feel better. But ate too much pills. I sweat like mad.I want to thanks my friend that really concern bout me today.. ThANKs you!!I abit emo. That fellow like mm song me. Don't want reply me somemore. Aiks.
Monday, March 26, 2007
7:16 PM
Yuan soon's hand!!I did that in english tuition.. Hee.. =)
Sunday, March 25, 2007
4:20 PM
Went swimming last night..It was about 3 months ples since i last swim..Gosh,,Well, i still like swimming.. >.6S:: I WANT TO TRUST YOU, BUT PLEASE PROVE IT ::
Saturday, March 24, 2007
6:01 PM
Isn't it more than a fren
morning.. I reached school on 6.30. Scouts Meeting.I thought my junior keahlian knots today. They are pretty cute. Well, Gary ffk me AGAIN. Ish.. He came to school on 10 plus. Then we walk to Shaun lee house and call him out. We are weirdos. We don't know where to go after calling shaun out.Finally, end up in USJ 2 padang.=.="
-No mood lerr.- Hmm. Always cause of those things and don't want msg me. I guess i probably had been very not understanding. Aiks.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
9:09 PM
 Eyes veryPain.. Decided to wear spec today.. Hee.. Look like an idiot.. Tsk..  When to herng's house to practice aural test. We climbed it his house cause no key. Ish. We ate mcdonald too.. Yumm..  Later on. walk to Chinese tuition~~  I very bored. Signed on leonard's neck. L-E-O-N-A-R-D    Camwhor nerh..  I kind of down. Cause of someone. Hate to wait!! Anyway. thanks Uncle lee. Hmm.. 
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
7:37 PM
I got tagged
Name one person who made you smile last night. Shaun Lee.. He defined SWT "uniquely"..
What were you doing at 8:00 this morning? I having PJ lesson in the Class
What were you doing 30 minutes ago? messaging Gary and Have my dinner
What was something that happened to you in 2006? So in love with someone and somehow it ended by the year itself.
What is the last thing you said aloud? IDIOT (SHAUN), YOU WILL FETCH ME THERE!! *Gosh..*
How many different things did you drink today? One.. Plain water
What color is your hairbrush? Pink of course
What was the last thing you paid for? Class fund.
Where have you been last night? At home rushin my Moral work!!
What color is your front door? Metallic Blue
Where do you keep your change? Wallet.. Pocket??
What was the weather like today? Cooling.. Sunny.. and then cloudy
What is the best ice cream flavor? Chocalate Favour~!!
What is something you are excited about? IU day is round the corner.. >.6
Do you want to cut your hair? Noway!! Short hair never mean to be mine.
Are you over the age of 25? I hope I'm 21. 25 abit old lerr..
Do you talk a lot? when talking mood come. Not really that often.
Do you watch The O.C.? bLUr..
Does your screen name have an "x" in it? nop.
Do you know anyone named Steven? Yeah.. Steven Lee, Steven---
Do you make up your own words? Er..not really..
Are you typically a jealous person? sometimes somehow i will be.
Name a friend whose name starts with the letter "A": Adrian Ooi.
Name a friend whose name starts with the letter "K": Ke Hui.
Who's the 1st person on your received calls list? Jon's House Phone
What did the last text message you received say? Gary- Dear no tuition go sleep ba.. Rest ur eyes lo..
Do you chew on your straws? I bite!!
Do you have curly hair? trying up soon
Where is the next place you're going? My room... zzzZZZ
Who is the rudest person in your life? She is well known and not young. I hate her!!*not my mum DEFINATELY, but around her age* Mess up my life wei..
What is the last thing you ate? Chocalate.. I love it lotzz..
Is marriage in your future? gosh, that's a 100%
What is the best movie you've seen in the past two weeks? None.
Is there anyone you like right now? Yeah. but why isn't it love. i can't define.
When was the last time you did the dishes, be honest! years ago.
Are you currently depressed? Nop. I'm mostly in the great mood now.
Did you cry today? Nope.
Why did you answer and post this survey? Because shieng tagged me.
Tag 5 people who would do this survey. Chelle. Tiffany. Shermaine. Tze Haur Chian Wei
Monday, March 19, 2007
6:54 PM
ouch!! I hurt my baby finger~ My mummy fetch me to school today. I went dowan from the car then obviously i closed the car door. But the brilliant me put my baby finger there and closed the door. I stunt for a second. Only i quickly reopened the car door and take my finger out. OUCH!! It's really damm pain. And my finger turns out like that. Instead of shouting out loud, i walk in to the school like nothing happened. My mummy only know bout it when she come and fatch me after school. She was like.. OMG!! Why didn't you shout that time. wEll, It will be really embarrasing if i shout. People will think what a idiot.. Ish. My dad then suggest me to rub it with whisky and so I did. I was born to be such a careless person. Tsk.
 So many people cut their hair short. I know i can never cut my hair short. I will look damm weird. I took picZ to compare. Okiez.. Short hair is never mean to be my hairstyle.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
11:46 AM
Was Yuanshuang sweet 16 birthday celebration yesterday!!Happy birthday~!! WEll,, as i told. Camwhore.. yuanshuang, Jun kang, Shaun ang Liang.  Went to toilet. And i saw a mirror outside the toilet. I know it's odd. But. We like the result of the pic. Ish.. Budak kecil.. and it's hurt to sit lidat. on the other side.. is simply sweet.Daniel got a new name yesterday. Called Jason. hmm.. look so forced. hee, NoT a bad things to pose huh. Look beta.. Keke.. I'm not sure what they doing. But definately something stupid.  We have fun. Acting stupid, playing, singing. We spent most of the time singing. Of course. the 'We' not include yuanshuang and 'jason'. Hee,, ... School starting tomorrow.I hope i still can sleep till eleven everyday.Aiks.
Saturday, March 17, 2007
5:23 PM
i love my life
I got chem tuition today. I thought it was starting on 2p.m. My mum fetched me there and waited for about half an hour.and very great, she start nagging.Ish.. How am i suppose to know it's starting on 2.30 p.m.It was a replacement class for me.Hui mei told me start on 2!!Arghh.. Like that also can angry me??Goin to yuanshuang birthday party later.Don't know what to wear.. ... tsk.I guess camwhor mood will probably coming tonight. hee................ recently, i love to smile ..I can't explain why.But I'm just happy >.6 Thanks to my different kind of friends. Thanks to my dearest family.
Friday, March 16, 2007
5:24 PM
ish.. thinking thinking...I guess i will stay on like this~ Camwhor mood..  Before i forget.. I want to say.. I have a great mood today.. I'm happy~~ --Smile-- well, uncle lee..Wanna bite my tongue off huh..I will wait and see. hee..
2:32 PM
 Just woke up... Feel like camwhoring.. Hee.. I feel like a pig this holiday. Sleep atleast 12 hours per day.  My sister... *CAMWHOR* If i ever have her body.. ish.. i admit... I'M JEALOUS!!  acting stupid.. nothing much to so..  Okie.. This one will be the ordinary ONE.. hee.. Well. bout anon again.There was an idiot anon.No guts to use own name when they jealous and want to start bullshitting.And. use my name.Phew.. luckily she trust thats not me.Thanks alot ya!!Anon anon..Your silly mission failed again la.Ish..
I'm who i'm and so i'm Thanks friends for love me for who i'm. Just to say. I'm glad to have you guys.
* baby chelle, promise we stick to each other*hee..
Thursday, March 15, 2007
11:05 AM
i just realised i got damm alot of uncomplete homework.I just know that i couldn't understand the whole biology.gosh.. How m i gonna sit gfor must start doing AND READING already.Wasted too much time on some useless idiot.I must know that I'M LIVING FOR MYSELF NOT FOR YOU!!I guess i should~- concentrate on my studies ( although it's sux )
- I living for myself not any others (maybe my parents la)
- don't be a desperate idiot
- respect myself
- throw that fellow far out from my mind
- ignore all those stupid anons
- treasure my darling friends more
- I love chocolate but i hate to go on diet
- I love to sleep but i hate to have nightmare
- i love to shop but i hate to spend
- I love to read but i hate to go to school
- I love the beach but i hate the endless sea
- i love rainy day but i hate to feel so 'rainy'
I know i'm weird. bUt i'm just so.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
1:43 PM
We went to SU malam kebudayaan.well, i would prefer ours more. But. They are all new scouts member. Even the b.o.d is new. So.. I guess it's still alright.
 Whatever i did is something silly or childish or whatever to you. I wish i could get out from the past so desperately; I miss you. i mean it. Nevermind. it wouldn't be the 2nd time. I will stop mention you name. stop thinking bout you. Well. Not everyone who stand by my side is lier. I can't understand why You always think that people who backstabing me, insulting me is the best. You screw me up. I talking back for myself. And you said thats my stupidity disgusting attitude. What the hell mann. Try to think by my side. I have my reason for everything. And you are the one who told me that human being isn't perfect.
didn't know Im so fabulous people hate me for that. I know you're jealous (cmon, just admit it la o_O) but instead of backstabbing me, why don't you try harder and outdo me or something? -- Tiffany --
Monday, March 12, 2007
7:15 PM
Went summit with joel just now. And met up with gary and julian. We help joel to get a ring for his dearest. That ring cost a bomb. Hmm. Then, gary go get his slipper and later on i went to but something for iu. I have no idea what to wear. Joel just came out with an idea suggesting me to wear a V neck dress. He said i will look ugly in others. Well, i took one plain brown bareback and V neck dress and tried on. The salesgirl say i look nice. But. I know she is lying because i was once a salesgirl. I was forced to lie to all my customers. However, i still buy it. I had no confidence to wear that. Gary said he saw and he thinks is hot. Well, thanks Gary, but i still need my girlfriend to see whether it's okay. I went to shop for a pair of heels too. That salesgirl say it is the lowest heel. But for girl like me that never wear heels will definately thinks it is too high. I feel that i will fall anytime. I asked Joel, he suggested me to wear it and practice to walk everyday. And so i can wear for iu. Gosh, i will probably taller than Gary if I wear it. I asked Gary what he thinks about it. Before he is able to say anything. The salesgirl said.. Is okie to be taller than a guy in dinner because girls will wear heels. Somemore your boy friend so handsome. No problem.... Dish*smack forehead* she thinks Gary is my boyfriend. And why not Joel and whoever it is. Whatever la. Gary say is nice. And so i brought it. Sorry Jon, if i'm taller. Hee.. Its was raining when we planning to go home. Gary and julian walked under the rain. Hopelly they wont fall sick. Hmm.
.. I am listening to 李圣杰-最近 right now. And i just cried .. :(
你最近不说话 怎么了 为什么 是不是有什么事让你不快乐 听说你最近很孤单 有点乱有点慌 可是我却不能够在你的身旁 你想要的 我却不能够?你我全部 我能给的 却又不是你想要拥有的 我们不适合也不想认输 好几次我们抱着彼此都是想要哭 你常解释这样的一切都只是开始 我觉得是所有的一切早就已结束 不想再约束 不要再痛苦 下一次会有更好的情路 你最近不说话 怎么了 为什么 是不是有什么事让你不快乐 听说你最近很孤单 有点乱有点慌 可是我却不能够在你的身旁 你想要的 我却不能够你我全部 我能给的 却又不是你想要拥有的 我们不适合也不想认输 好几次我们抱着彼此都是想要哭 你常解释这样的一切都只是开始 我觉得是所有的一切早就已结束 不想再约束 不要再痛苦 下一次会有更好的情路 爱 我却不能给你我全部 我能给的 却又不是你想要拥有的 我们不适合也不想认输 好几次我们抱着彼此都是想要哭 你常解释这样的一切都只是开始 我觉得是所有的一切早就已结束 不想再约束 不要再痛苦 下一次会有更好的情路 这一次我们都能很幸福
I just feel sad. Don't ask me why , I don't know why.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
9:27 PM
It's not your fault at all. Never blame yourself. You are not the one who creats pain on me. In fact, i hurt you badly. I'm sorry. I thought i had got out from the past. But it's just still haunting me. Thanks for not calling me a bitch or a player. Thanks for understanding my condition. Thanks for still loving me. But i seriously feel bad Because i had treated you so badly. Just, Promised that we are still friend, What will happen in the future, Don't we think bout it now.I
8:18 PM
Scouts 2007 Recruit Camp
Scouts 2007 Recruit Camp
 Me and Yuanshuang on friday night before all our junior come, camwhore!!  Hee.. Nice leh!! Baris,, Senang diri!!  Well, time to set up tent  Drawing the patrol flat.   Malam Kebudayaan~
     Hee.. OBH!! i BUSY taking photo of those unlucky one.. keke  Goin home, before that stil have to camwhore.. Me and Gary
yours truly
Tzia Tzia a.k.a Cherlin.
Turns eighteen on this 4th of July.
An attest chocoloate indulger.
& a typical pink lover.
A certified romanticism, exceptionally dreamy and bubbly
Idolize Leah Dizon with an utmost hawt body, and Jaychou's fabulous songs.
currently unavailable
Thank you
Designer & Basecodes : Fang Min :D
Inspirations : Amelia :D
Cursor : Lovelycore
Graphics : Angelicreations