Wednesday, May 30, 2007
6:34 PM
one day life in college
Taylor's organised one day college's hotel management..and it's not my thing at all..I'm just there to have fun~Jungzhen. yuansoon. tse tsyuan.. ivanC... and chian wei was there~we are the noisiest gang.. wakaka~~ Some training session.. i slice this.. it look horrible i know.. hee.. but the trainer said it's okay!! According to him this 80sen fruit can become 2o ringgit!! if.. we slice it in front of the customer in a fine dine restaurant.. and of course.. if.. we sis it nicely~~  Lunch time.. follow those guys to play pool. sit there.. bored!! maybe!!!~~ i can play... and so i beg tse tsyuan and jung zhen let me and wei play..  Nah~ my si fu.. tse tsyuan!! hee..  hE teach how to play.. so sweet of him.. boo~ first time play. I'm kinda excited!!  When we got back it's already.. late!! but.. who cares.. ngenge.. and.. this flower is made from sugar... i mean SUGAR!! its amazing.. and and.. there is a cool fellow.. performing cocktail somethinh something.. it's so nice!! probably because that guy seriously look great!!] hee.. Sometimes.when its not for us.It will never be yours.AND...i am in love with~AVRIL LAVIGNE....GIRLFRIEND!!Hee..I'm the motherfucking princess~~boo~~
Friday, May 25, 2007
5:54 PM
Went to carefour by bus today.. to buy things needed for camp fire night preparation..i went with jamie and chun jui followed along..And.. in the bus I saw Aaron Mah.. he is still looking great as usual.. Lol..but we didn't even say hie.. most pobably because i think he don't remember me anymore.. Camwhore.. few days ago i guess.. Me and Cj... Heee~   Me AND wEI!@!  Emma!! Self shooting.. hee~ Boo~~~@!@@ Shan.. ice cream!!Juliet was more interested on mecompare to the ice cream.. wakaka~~~  Gosh.. there is alot of things in my mind right now. I don't know what exactly I'm thiking and.. What should I do now~~!! and WELL.. IT'S HOLIDAY!! BOO~ but we scouts aren't having holday.. got to do preparation.. Tsk.. anyway.. going to grandmother house at johore tomorrow.. early in the morning... ZzZzZzZzZz Be back on monday~
**** campfire night dress code ---- Kampong Style *** we left this out in the flyer!!!
and... special thanks to LEE JUN HAW~~ HEE... You know la~~
Saturday, May 19, 2007
3:26 PM
promoting Camp fire night 2007
104th Scouts are organizing... the Camp Fire Night 2007!!
The theme of the Camp Fire Night this year is... - Middle of nowhere - Cool right?
It will be on 16th June 2007. It only for our school student.. No outsider allowed ( well~ahem.. ) Whatever is it.
For more information. Go to school on monday. We will officially promote if there aren't any problems.
Friday, May 18, 2007
2:29 PM
senior page~!@
senior page warm up~
This is on 2005~ i look terrible.. gosh.. and chian wei still but this in her friendster.. =.=" but.. memories of 3 Budi la..
 The lower one.. just taken today.. with my 04 and 05 classmates. 5 elok!!  i love this pic!!! cool~ hui mei said :'' pontianak!!''
 Our mr. Kent lon.. can you believe it?  The guyz~  And.. the girls~
Thursday, May 17, 2007
7:08 PM
camwhore day~
Camwhore day!! wohoo...
my school. bodoh punya shaun. cute!!  Act cute de Ivan~!  Mr. Tze Herng~~~~  Kent lon. fuiyoo. 1st time get to take pic with him!!  My Hui mei~~!!  bored sial.. chinese class~ didn't get to take with cj and joel le!!
My chinese essay might got out of question!!!! arghh...
Monday, May 14, 2007
6:12 PM
This two doink is atthe middle of the road.waiting cars to bang them down.later on, wai jun join them.and..a car came..and...peeeeeeee..!!!" kamu mengapa diri sini.... blablabla.,,"i just know he get scolded badly by an malay driver..TSK..Today, I got back my chem and bm paper 2..i got 50.5 fer chem.. that if is only teacher give me 3.5 marks for my homework.and.. i got 82/110 for my bm paper 2.well, still okieeee i guess.. lol..i don't want failing le.and.. him..he told me everything is already a past.ask me don't think back and get a new life.i cried for a long time.and.. i promised him.i wouldn't think and talk back anymore.I PROMISED.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
9:11 PM
Happy mother's day!!
Happy mother's day!! we love mummy!!!!!!!!!!!!
   Love granny too!! Little princess of the day~~  She loves me.. I'm serious.. I take care of her whole day already..  She asked to take picture like this. cute princess.. We love her!!
* i dunno what to do today? Kinda confused. arghh.. I got rejected. I guess.. I regretted.. of course.. is my fault.. and. Sheng Yi .. chee.. tze tze.. shaun.. Thanks...!!
Thursday, May 10, 2007
6:27 PM
exam is over!!
 i m so damm happy!! one whole month of non stop studying. arghh... and, i still cant do well in the exam. my history and chinese, i guess still okie. but my science subject, only one word to describe it-- SUX!! i seriously don't know how am I going to sit for my SPM~~ hmmm.. I'm so sick during the exam. i have my period on that time. i ate 12 pills that day. and, i'm half dying the next two days. suffering, side effect- my ears pain, i felt so cold, i felt dizzy. Few days later i feel much better. but, I soon have terrible stomach ache~ ish.. When i'm alright, i go tightened my braces. the dentist said no improvement and she put one extra metal in front, and two rubber band on the side. now, i couldn't even bite~ i'm not goin to school tomorrow. i don't hope to get my paper now. no eyes to see my result!! instead, i'm going to watch spiderman~hee..
i love baby chelle. she rox.. i love chemist tuition alot right now. I love ms nicole. love her!! hee.. I love tze tze... he is great!! always there fer me 24/7 for three years. I love my family~~ I love my friend~~
I kept dreaming these days. although I don't have my prince now. I still dreaming to be the princess.. but..... a princess without the prince. hmm.I'm pretty fine being single.I'm alright being single. I shall love myself more.reality is still reality,human love no one more than themselve..This is what i thinking now..but someone seems to change the way i think.selfish doink~ thanks fer loving me..thanks fer treatin me as your are are caring you are nice you are are hot to me.Im sorry that i still don't trust you. I still not confident to involve in relationship something is still haunting me.I guess you understand. SORRY.maybe one day... just let it be..alright? i cant promise you anything right now. but you are something to me~~
yours truly
Tzia Tzia a.k.a Cherlin.
Turns eighteen on this 4th of July.
An attest chocoloate indulger.
& a typical pink lover.
A certified romanticism, exceptionally dreamy and bubbly
Idolize Leah Dizon with an utmost hawt body, and Jaychou's fabulous songs.
currently unavailable
Thank you
Designer & Basecodes : Fang Min :D
Inspirations : Amelia :D
Cursor : Lovelycore
Graphics : Angelicreations