dark brown, visible only under sunlight.
boyfren said he don't want a blonde.
so this colour will do.
I like it though. =)
Went to pyramid with shin yee today.
Fuck. she is hot as usual.
And she complaining bout fats. Ish!
I cant stand it.
wanted to have J.CO donuts.
But there's long queue.
so. failed.
Camwhored with santa, snow man, and some deers...
Will upload pics when i got it from shin yee =)
I got myself a new job.
will start working @ ADIDAS, PYRAMID on monday. =)
No specific rules.
Higher pay.
Okie. I had think properly.
I will work there! =)
Another shop supervisor called up.
I guess I'm accepted to work there too.
But I already agree to work @ adidas.
so... hmm...
I told him i got job d lo.
no choice.
that shop supervisor is cute wei!!!!
*boyfren wont read this*
he is in macau.