Monday, March 31, 2008
11:55 AM
Tagged 2
Name 5 people you can think of right off the top of your head. Don't read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 5 people. This is a lot funnier if you actually randomly list the names first... NO CHEATING!
1. Michelle Lee Tzuann Ee 2. Lim Shin Yee 3. Lee Chun Jui 4. Lau Howe Thoon 5. Kerk Chian Wei ( cause she's the one who tagged me! wtf )
1. How did you meet 1? We went swimming training together since we were still small girls.
2. On a scale of 1 -10 how would u rate your friendship with 1? Full rated! omg. I love her to dead.
3. How long have you known 4? About 1 year?
4. How do you know number 3? School mates. lol.
5. Wheres 5? AT HOME sleeping!
6. A fact about number 1? She is fucking pretty.
7. Who is 4 going out with? Gay partner? Jocelyne?? 8. What does 1 do for a living? Dating with Mr.Chi Wing.
9. Would you live with number 3? I don't think so.
10. What do you like about No.2? happy go lucky attitude.
11. Do you miss number 5? No. wtf.
12. Would you make out with number 4? Did la.
13. What’s your opinion of number 2? She is a friendly and sweet person.
14. What's your favorite memory with number 5? Sharing secrets. hmm.
15. What would you do if number 1 and 2 were going out? That's normal!
16. Ever had a long conversation with 5? Seldom.
17. Have you ever slept at 2's house? Nop.
18. Do you hang out with 3 a lot? Err. okie okie la.
19. Who have you known the longest? Number 1. we know each others for about 10 years already.
21. How often do you talk to 1? Very often, but now once a week. cause the bitch when NS in sabah.
22. What about 2? Once awhile, but very meaningful. gossips.. lol.
23. Have you ever thought 3 more then a friend? We were. now. only friend!
24. Would you go out for a date with 5? No need la. lol.
25. Do you dream about 2? Yeah... a very crappy dream.
26. What did no 4 did to you that you can never forget? Stars full with the word sorry. Called few hundreds time when I'm angry?
27. What have you done for 1 that the person never forget? I am always there for her la.
28. What's 3 hobby? Sports. sleeps.
29. Tag 5 people : shinyee, adele, keryi, puiteng, raine
11:22 AM
-You-First Name : Cherlin Tan Tzia TziaNickname : Triple T, T3, + +, - -, PinkyName you wish you had : well, i LOVE my name =)What do people normally mistake your name as : tan chia chiaBirthday : 4th July 1991 ( 4th July is America Independent Day )Birthplace : SJMCTime of Birth : i don't know.Single or taken : singleZodiac sign - Cancer-Your Appearence-How tall are you = 166cmWish you were taller = Of courseEye color = brownie blackEye color you want = HazelNatural Hair color = dark brownCurrent Hair color = Lighter Brown. Short or long hair = LongEver dye your hair a bizarre color = No Last time you did something dramatic with your hair = No idea.Glasses or contacts = ContactsDo you wear make-up = At timesEver had hair extensions = NoPaint your nails = Yeah-In the opposite gender-What color eyes = whatever colourWhat color hair = Dark brown =)Shy or Outgoing = OutgoingLooks or personality = Personality come 1stSexy or Cute = Sexy to others, cute to me.Serious or Fun = Fun. I'm not a so serious person.Older or Younger than you = Older.A turn on = Attractive smile A turn off = Smoke-This or that-Flowers or Chocolates = Chocolate *love*Pepsi or Coke = CokeRap or Rock = RapRelationship or One night stand = RelationshipSchool or Work = SchoolLove or Money = BothMovies or Music = MoviesCountry or City = CitySunny or Rainy days = Sunny daysFriends or Family = Both.-Have you ever-Lied = Yes.Stole something = Yes.Smoked = YesHurt someone close to you = YesBroke someone's heart = YesHad your heart broken = YesWondered what was wrong with you = Yes, alwaysWish you were a prince/princess = I'm always dreaming of thatLiked someone who was taken = YesShaved your head = NoBeen in love = YesUsed chopsticks = YesSang in the mirror to yourself = No-Favorites-Flower = Pink RosesCandy = LollipopSong = Jay Chou's song, You were my everything - aviation, (too many to list)Scent = Green Tea scentColor = Pink, White, BalckMovie = Secret by JAYSinger = Jay Chou.Word = WTF, FUCK!, DON'T KNOW, ANYTHINGJunk food = Potato chipsWebsite = http://www.tziaaa.blogspot.comLocation = BeachAnimal = PuppiesEver cried over someone = Yeah.Is there anything you wish you could change about yourself = Selfishness Do you think you're attractive = At times. seldom la. wtf.If you had to choose a fairytale as your life what would you choose = Cinderella Do you play any sports = Swimming, SquashThe rules:-Link to your tagger and post these rules.List (8) random facts about yourself and tag (8) people1) I don't get angry more than 2 days.2) Chocolate is love.3) Putting relationship aside currently.4) Dislike emoness, emo people, emo attitude5) When I'm quiet, I'm probably emo-ing. wtf.6) I love Taiwan!7) Love laughing.8) people, I AM DAMM FRIENDLY!. LOL.
TAGGING.. adele, shinyee, monwei, raine, sueanne, emmanuel, shieng, puiteng
Sunday, March 30, 2008
10:21 PM
YESTERDAY. 1st day I working at O2 Authorized Store. At fisrt, I was kinda scared to work there. cause I just somehow feel they are damm lanci.
but still, I went to work.
Onn & Tuck Wai are working there too. I felt so happy knowing they're working there with me. Then, I got to know those stuff there, tim, zhun, samson, kent, andrew,... and suprisingly I met Joshua who are also working there too. Last but not least, the supervisor, - kah Joe. yeah, they are all guys. wtf. lol. & When I get to know them, I realize they are really nice people. Interesting people.
Working in 02 Authorized Store.
 & also DOPOD.
 My job is to distribute broacher. Those guys are nice enough to keep me accompany most of the time.
 The broacher. PDA. Interested, anyone?

I had my break time with Rebbecca at coffee bean. ICED CHOCOLATE. *loves* Till around 7.30pm. Joshua suggested to go visit Rebbecca at her work place. The bra shop.
Joshua posing with bra. smiling miang-ly.
 randomly. addicted to mirror.
 i LOVE camwhore.
 Luckily my shop had plenty of mirrors too.
 =) TODAY! Wake up 4 in the morning. I slept around 3 last night. wtf! Tired. But still got to go "ching ming"

 After that I rush to work!
 hmm. Im wearing heels to work today. plus, I am freaking sleepy! gosh. TORTURING.
Went Sakae Sushi for break with supervisor today. HE'S AN ASSHOLE THAT KEEP ZAT ME NONE STOP. lol. but overall, he's nice la. just a lil too mean. =)
I miss MICHLEE! & that bitch finally call me today! LOVE HER!
Friday, March 28, 2008
5:36 PM
There's this guy called Thomas Leong. well, I use "Called" because he change his name into REAGEN leong! I know this guy few years back. I was in a relationship that time. He was kinda going after me, & I rejected him. He threatened me to dump my boyfriend and be with him. or else he will call my mom. I thought he was crapping. But, he really did called my mom and talk cock in front my mom. & Because of his cocking, my mom don't believe me. I got screw by my mom badly definately, for not being good. My mom trusted me all the while, I trust she won't simply listen to strangers. unless it's something serious. I have no idea what the heck he told. I hate him to the max. being childish & such a fucker.
2 or 3 years past, he is now REAGEN LEONG. he come to add me in msn. & start to approach me again. He said he knows alot of modeling agent. asked me to go for modeling shoot.
due to my hatred towards this asshole. I said. " oh thanks alot, but fucker, fuck off, I DON'T NEED!!" * I now feel so lucky that I didn't listen to his cocking and meet up with him *
Then, He start saying I'm a bitch. & I will got it later on. GOD will definately punish me. & I will go to hell!
WTF right, he now uses GOD to threatened me.
I thought he was just another desperado so I didn't care much.. until... I read her blog...
IT WAS THE FUCKING SAME GUY SHE IS TALKING ABOUT! omg. this world is damm small. & He is much more terrible than what I thought.
He got friendster too. CLICK HERE! THOMAS / REAGEN... or he change his name again. I don't know.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
3:44 PM
I went to kerky's house today. around 9p.m. & wake her up.
then we went SUBANG PARADE. wtf I know. Lol. Actually I'm there just for interview =)
SS pic in the toilet.

 Me and Kerky went to tribal spirit. cause is still too early for my interview session. & both of us got the same dress. Different colour only.

After that I went for my interview. Pretty good I guess. I got my job. Working this weekend. as 02 promoter =)
Then go to digi to find wei loong.
 Spent all my time there while waiting my mom to pick us up.

 BIG APPLE!! my love.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008
10:08 PM
 I cooked! wtf i know. Kinda 1st time. =)
Monday, March 24, 2008
1:25 PM
The moment i saw you. my heart was beating extremely fast. * I have no idea why * so desperately wanting to say hie to you. but the reaction you gave just make me felt a sudden heart ache. It had been 3 years, but I guess you still hate me as usual. After that, I started to blame others. Blaming them for flirting and betrayed. showing unnecessary tempered. arghhh.
People start to appreciate when things gone.
I LOVE YOU is such a powerful word. I can't understand why some can just speak it out like NO BIG DEAL . just because the fear of hurting the other party? damm it!
I hate the word " WHATEVER!"
Jealousy struck these days. damm.
.... ... ..... I'm a failure of everything.
wtf. I don't know why am I damm emo.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
8:32 PM
Saturday, March 22, 2008
4:34 PM
Good Friday
Was good friday night. went kehui's church eastern party. before that, I went Chian Wei's house.
... me : oi. I suddenly damm SS already.
wei : of course la, everyday at home nothing do.
me: yeah la. damm sien. so camwhore alot these days.
The Prove.
* at her bathroom * oh yeah. I go wax my hair again. But my hair grew. Hard to keep it style. sad.
* at her room *
 all time favourite lala pose =)
 Ke hui arrive around 8p.m. Clement fetched us to PAUL'S house at P.J.
the couple.
 they are just too sweet.
 what should I call this? stupid?
 The forever left out girl. The forever kena zat girl. The forever chipsmore girl =)
 show teeth, quan wei!
 my turn!
 her turn!
 all together. ke hui too!
 The birthday girl. Grace =) Cake was baked by Ke hui. Is really nice! i WANT to learn!!
 The christian talk session =0

- The Passion of Christ -
Tagged By Wei Minn1. Who is your all time inspiration ?My family, My pompuans!2. Have you had a crush on me ?oh yeah. might.3. If you were to be stranted on a deserted island,who are the 3 blogs buddies you would take with you? why ?Michlee - I want to know everything that happened on her.Adele - Jay Chou addict. lol.Tiffany - Wonderful pic that I got addicted.*fuck shinyee, deleted her blog*4. Where is the place that you wanna go to the most ?Taiwan. yeah.5. If you have one dream to come true,what would it be ?fairytales happy ending.6. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain ?Yesh, definately do.7. What are you afraid to lost the most now ?Friendship !8. If you win 1$, what would you do ?Ern. J.CO =)9. If you meet someone that you love,would you confess him or her?I will give obvious hinting.10. List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you.- friendly- sweet like lollipop- Innocent. I guess.11. What are the requirements that you wish for your other half ?loves me more than himself!12. Which type of person do you hate the most ?fucking backstabber.13. Highlight of the week ?Michlee left to SABAH for damm NS.14. If you have faults,would you rather the people around youpoint out to you or you rather they keep quite ?POINT it out & correct me.15. What do you think is the most important thing in your life ?Relationship with people around.16. Are you a shopaholic ?Poor shopaholic. lol.17. What's on your mind right now ?I need diet. & I'm going for exercise later.18. If you have a chance,which part of your character would you like to change ?My selfishness. 19. What's the last shocking thing that you see or heard ?My SPM results.20. What's bothering you lately ?I'm not allowed to go so often. & I'm rotting at home.I am tagging :- Adele- Sue Anne- Raine
yours truly
Tzia Tzia a.k.a Cherlin.
Turns eighteen on this 4th of July.
An attest chocoloate indulger.
& a typical pink lover.
A certified romanticism, exceptionally dreamy and bubbly
Idolize Leah Dizon with an utmost hawt body, and Jaychou's fabulous songs.
currently unavailable
Thank you
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Inspirations : Amelia :D
Cursor : Lovelycore
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