Saturday, June 28, 2008
10:57 PM
I am sick. Went to see doctor yesterday, He said I got fever, bad sore throat and flu. After consuming all those drugs I feel better. Thanks mom for the herbs tea. and thanks Kjoe for the nasal spray, I doubt that I could sleep well without that.
Its Saturday, sadly I still got lecture class to attend. Economics and Accounts. but we basically did nothing. Lecturers said we to have extra lecture classes is no what they want, but the LANS required. I hanged out with a bunch of english speaking people today.* josh, mun yee, way herng, etc... * and I spoke my almost RUST english. lol.
some pictures taken. -
He was covering his HALF-SHAVED-ONLY mustard.

another michelle.
 Shang ree.


See him every single day, but couldn't even say hie. sigh!
I'm still sick, but since I'm recovering. Mom allowed me to go for a movie with sister. I used up two of the tickets I got from CFN. We watched GET SMART. It's humorous, but I think it's only not bad. 6/10.

And when I get home, I start feeling not-so-well again. I had medicine and straight went to bed till now. - 2319 sigh. regretted going out. Michlee sent me a comment. "best friend memang best friend la babe. you fever then somehow it transfered to me too. LOL. " babe, Let's get well soon. & I STILL LOVE YOU!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
7:12 PM
1st priority
sorry. it gonna be another emo post again.
morning was good. it's a chocolate day for me. chocolates made up my day. *LOVES* THANKS to my sister cockoo jokes last night. I was emo, I didn't tell her, yet she somehow make out some silly jokes and made me laugh out my ass.
I had lemon berry chocolate moist at Bakerzin. it's tasty. it's kinda 1st time kahjoe actually let me to pay for the meal.
before that we stopped by a chocolate bar. got some chocolate. * 4 small pcs cost me rm10* wtf. and it doesn't taste good at all. yucks!

Bang in to Minnie today, she's working at 1U.
and. I got this chocolate mirror.
 and my mom is in a very good mood today. chit-chatted with her a lot bout my uni life.
then, chelle ask me to go for sports. we went jogging, swimming. sweat out a lot and feel really great. and yea, Joel was there too.

-hmmm. They are your best friend, how bout me? you rather stay with them but not me. I thought I am your best best friend. But well, I don't think so now. They seems to be more important than me. and I doubt that I am your first priority. I am truly disappointed. and yea, this is the 1st time I show her tempered. sigh.
you scared you will get ditched? I am the one who got ditched hundred times more often than you. I had promise you I will never ditch you. You are always my first priority after my family. sigh.
I am feeling down and lonely now.
p/s - I feel like a puppet getting push here and there.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
8:06 PM
circle with an end point
"I had a dream and it was about you ... I smiled and recalled the memories we had ... then I noticed a tear fell from my eyes ... you know why? Coz in my dream you kissed me and said goodbye ... " And the dream had just came true. You made me heart broken.
I knew I had treat you rude today. But I just don't know how to reply your messages calmly when you... take out my painful past and talk about it. call me a pathetic. Said that I will never realize, never grow up. Reminded me bout how my ex(s) complained about me. Saying that I treating you as a puppet.
I admit is my fault that got you heart broken by misbehaving. other than that, I don't see any wrongs in me. I had tried hard to change for you. But you still take me that way. boy, I too had contribute a pretty little part to our stories. Well, I bet you don't remember it anymore.
In a relationship, no one should get the blame. I hope you understand. I have loved you. and now, things came to a FULLSTOP.
" Forget the times he walked by, Forget the times he made you cry, Forget the times he spoke your name, Remember now your not the same. Forget the times he held your hand, Forget the sweet things if you can, Forget the times & Don't pretend, Remember now he's just your friend. "
and yeah, sorry for dragging it for so long. but, don't worry. I respect you. & I promise that I won't turn back to you again.
lau howe thoon You had been a good boyfriend. You had changed me to a better person. I truly appreciate what you did. thanks.
you were my everything - Aviation
Sunday, June 22, 2008
4:42 PM
Lee Tzuann Ee
Was reading through the old blog posts of michelle's and mine.
Saw some of our 125739298372637836218 years ago pictures. * I have more of our old photo, but i lost it * which somehow means a lot to me.

We were both once specky nerds. - thanks to contact lens, making us spec-free -

She is the one that brings out the best in me.
Time past, from small little girls we turning into young adults. *smile*

We grew up together,
spending most of the time together. We promised that there's no secret between us, and there's no need to hide anything from each other. I love michelle Lee Tzuann Ee. and no doubt, I knew she loves me too! We are heavenly made for each other. Thanks for being the angel of my life.
The best friend forever. I miss the close touch of both of us.
 If only you could be there in UTAR. I feel so lifeless there without you! * not forgetting shin yee & adele * =)
I am someone that couldn't live on without a true friend. and that's why I'm half dead at UTAR. SIGH!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
12:50 PM
Friday, June 20, 2008
2:33 PM
I got ditched AGAIN by my classmate. sigh!
p/s * going to khoo's birthday today. together with baby chelle =) Barcelona I guess?
Thursday, June 19, 2008
10:23 PM
Alright. The only pic taken within this few days.
*** - Ei. why no update? It's rusting la!! me - I fucking lazy. what to do?
Laziness struck. My blog is covered with dust! crapssss.
I had been really busy this whole week. Freaking lots of assignment! Chinese literature - 《史记》 与《汉书》。I had been too smart volunteering to do a slide show. Public Speaking - 2 speech outline to be complete. I got to present my 5 mins speech soon. * shin! I need your help!! * and. I got to hand up my 10mins speech outline on 4th july* my birthday. wtf* Others subject... I have no idea what to do. Whatever... just Screw it!
Yet, I am feeling happy!
Cause I got to spend time with my darlings and friends this week.
I met up with Seyzhun. Seyjiang. Jon and Travis! Had secret recipe and pool at AC.
and yeah, darling Joel was kind enough to pay me a visit at AC!
I met CJ there. and gosh! * I suffocate when you're away from me* well, past is past though.
I met up with baby chelle, jason, kahjoe, darren at Old taste. I seldom go out at night. well, it's michelle and therefore things changed! Babe, I really do hope our friendship will never end.
& adele!! she's effin cute! she came over to my house to complete her so called assignment today! - fuck all those cbox fammer. it's worst when you flame others cbox without name. CHICKEN!! Think bout yourself when you call others a SLUT!!! It's fucking bitchy to flame others la, SLUT!
mom got really pissed with me. I start crying after I got all the scolding. I am spoilt. I don't like it when she start raising her voice. sigh!
有些事情,过去了就让它过去吧! 就算是时机不对也好, 但既然双方付出以后都得不到应有的回报。 何谓苦苦挽留? 我, 真的放弃了!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
1:02 AM
CFN 'O8 - Step into the Past
Happy Father's day to all daddies!!
back to my dad. Happy father's day. I hate your tempered. *yeah, he show tempered today. but things are fine now* I hate your unreasonable. I hate you being strict. YET.. I love you cause you love us. I love you cause you work really hard just to raised us up. I love you cause you care for us. I love you cause you are my daddy.
I love you!! Thanks for being such a fantastic dad.

We gave dad a nike shoe beg. and. A hand made card!! *loves*
 & Saturday. I have no class. Therefore, I sleep till almost 12p.m. Half way doing my homework, Adele ring me up. Asked me out for a drink at a much more cooling place. cause our house were damm hot. and so, we ended up at Mcd!
Her so called candid. lol.
 It's been awhile since we last meet up, but well, she's still a friend that I could share secret with!
 She loves my phone camera. hee!
 I went home around 5p.m. and started to prepare for Camp fire night 2008! The biggest event for 104th Scouts!
crowd outside the school.
 The awesome backdrop.
 The gadgets built by 104th scouts! pretty cool.
 dress code - cowboy/red indian p/s * thanks Adele for the boots!
 my sister. performing as a red indian.

 The poser. JK and me.
 Ivan Cheong.
 The ASM - clement Chee
The group photo of some of the ex-committee.
 Yeexuen a.k.a the chicken
 ASM - David lean
 hottie Ke hui.
 tall and short.
 the cute couple.

The handphone act was a bit blur. but well, the fire performance is so damm cool!
 The fire was successfully lighted.

The story line is good. and everything goes smoothly. Thanks to the 2 MC, shingqueen and Johan. They were great. shingqueen is effin cute. & Johan is damm hot! *smile* And the scouts really did a great job! The sketches were interesting. Eugene was gay but *loves* Singing was nice. and the dance was good. I personally love the dance by Yanchi's group.
The bad cowboy!
 & the Red Indian!
 Refreshment. The foods were not bad. In fact, very good compare to others school that I actually attended their CFN.
My pompuan Shin.

Dance floor. Hit the dance floor. Shake you ass out. and sweat hard! wtf!
 We shake really hard. and we were sweating like as if we just done bathing!
 hot babes!
 them =p
 And yeah!! I got voted as the BEST DRESSED. didn't expect people to cheer for me, but well.... lol. Just thanks to those that supported me =)

Tiring day... The Camp fire night was great!! I enjoyed!! Those juniors were performing well. To the organizing committee... I would say... Good Job!! You guys rox!! 104th Scouts is the best!!
yours truly
Tzia Tzia a.k.a Cherlin.
Turns eighteen on this 4th of July.
An attest chocoloate indulger.
& a typical pink lover.
A certified romanticism, exceptionally dreamy and bubbly
Idolize Leah Dizon with an utmost hawt body, and Jaychou's fabulous songs.
currently unavailable
Thank you
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Inspirations : Amelia :D
Cursor : Lovelycore
Graphics : Angelicreations