I had never expect myself to do this in UTAR.
I hated UTAR so much in the beginning, after 3 months, I start to find the fun inside there, and..
I STARTED TO LOVE TB1. I just love my class la.
Few days ago, FAN and I started coming out all sort of dress code plan. We both are the youngest in TB1 but we are said to be the most "guai lan" one. lol. We came out with all sorts of weird ideas. and in the end, we decided to dress up like a NERD on our LAST DAY.
I hated UTAR so much in the beginning, after 3 months, I start to find the fun inside there, and..
I STARTED TO LOVE TB1. I just love my class la.
Few days ago, FAN and I started coming out all sort of dress code plan. We both are the youngest in TB1 but we are said to be the most "guai lan" one. lol. We came out with all sorts of weird ideas. and in the end, we decided to dress up like a NERD on our LAST DAY.
last day of SEM 1.
last day being in a class with jeff, alvin, munyee, houyen and ernst. =(
I wasn't really in the mood today due to all sorts of unhappy and unexpected stuff that happened all in a sudden. I was feeling sorrow.
But thanks God I have got a bunch of wonderfully awesome classmate.
They had made me laugh my ass off.
last day being in a class with jeff, alvin, munyee, houyen and ernst. =(
I wasn't really in the mood today due to all sorts of unhappy and unexpected stuff that happened all in a sudden. I was feeling sorrow.
But thanks God I have got a bunch of wonderfully awesome classmate.
They had made me laugh my ass off.
Tonnes of photo, but I chosen some to be uploaded.
some classic one of course.
Not a too harsh one for the start.
some classic one of course.
Not a too harsh one for the start.

I wore a cartoon T. (it's from MCKY okie)
A high to waist Bermudas.
Pulled up socks.
A full frame spec.
A high to waist Bermudas.
Pulled up socks.
A full frame spec.
My parents stunt when they saw me walking out the house with this dressing.
They were like.. " what the tut happened to her?"
I smile to them without saying a words *keeping them in wonder is better though"
Some people couldn't recognize me.
* I had never wear specs to class *
They walked pass me... then, they turned back..
" Ei.. Tzia?"
okie now. let's be prepared for the worst before you screw down.
I couldn't even recognize him with he walk in weih.
They said we are the CLASSIC nerd.
We caught all the attentions. Felt kinda embarrassing.
But well, isn't that what we want? Be optimistic. We are success, we caught others attention. lol.
Vingent had sacrifice a lot today. He made himself a nerd by doing the side parting which we though he would never do it. * He loves his hair a lot*
Sadly his dream girl walked pass him today when He was being a nerd. haha.
Ying, FAN, me & Vingent.

alvin, qing yee and Grace.
They came in later.
But, they had cooperated really well. haha.
A great laugh on the moment they stepped in.
They came in later.
But, they had cooperated really well. haha.
A great laugh on the moment they stepped in.
our principle?
We were all insane.
All the other classes were discombobulation. All their eyes were stick on us.
and we knew we had succeed.
Thanks people, thanks for cooperating so well.
It made our last day a memorable day.
Miss melissa with us.
We changed before attending Miss Lilian's class.
I don't want to leave such a image on the last day with us as she is retiring.
She call me "MODEL" *lol*, I would rather she call me that then calling me a NERD. haha.
Miss Lilian.
We loves you a lot.
I know all of us really do.
We loves you a lot.
I know all of us really do.
Miss Lilian, our beloved lecturer is retiring, 5 our classmates will be leaving.
It is instead a dismal day after all.
Yet, I am feeling sad. I am not very close to them. But I guess I am use to have them around.毕竟,天下无不散之宴席。"
Jeff and Alvin always the most active one in class, they are responsible to keep the class alive.
They both are also one of our best speaker in TB1. hmmm.
Munyee, I am so gonna miss her Indian slang. sigh.
I have to admit, I am a very emotional person, I dropped my tears when I saw Alvin's video.
Alvin's video.
& the TB1's Galleria D' Arte video by Kahkiat. A video that really amazed me.
We had created a strong bond between us after 3 months.
And now, those people are separating us. sigh.
Joshua had a talk with Mr.Wesley, our president of Foundation.
finally... the conclusion is 25 per tutorial group. swap all u want.
But he said :"no matter wat happens, how we swap, it will never be the same. so... gotta live with it." and I personally think it's true.
--- 最后的疼爱是手放开?