Saturday, February 28, 2009
5:00 PM
Thursday, February 26, 2009
4:57 PM
berry & lemon
14th February, and it’s Valentine’s, the day of love, where people express and show their love to their loved ones, spending momentous time together.
I have no date or dates, or whatsoever, as I mentioned in my earlier post, and to stop myself from moping at home, I went to Sunway Pyramid to witness the historical occasion of the famous ‘perfect match’ icon, Berry and Lemon. And also to see the biggest Ribena Purple Heart, made of Ribena purple bottle caps, from Berry to Lemon on Valentine’s Day, with the nuffies and many other bloggers!
This huge 50 square feet and 10 feet high Ribena heart monument, made of more than 30,000 Ribena purple bottle caps, is not any one or two day work. Remember Berry and Lemon; the two fruits dancing to Bollywood music on the river, in the Ribena with Lemon TV Commercial? Well, Berry is back and he had announced a month ago that he will build a Ribena heart monument as big as 50 square feet and 10 feet high as a token of his love to Lemon. The campaign started a month before Valentine’s Day, & the purple bottle caps were collected from all around Malaysia after Berry announced his pledge to build the biggest Purple Heart for Lemon.
At around 10 am we saw the huge Purple Heart, almost filled to the brim, and a group of Berry’s supporters calling out to shoppers some more purple bottle caps to add to Berry’s token of love to Lemon.
Ribena’s BIG Purple Heart.

and we have Berry’s supporters. There were also plenty of freebies given away and games for everyone.... free balloons, free Ribena drinks, a Ribena dance challenge with rewards, score perfect match Ribena perfect match dice game to win, etc.
The Ribena dancing game. From the couple's facial expression we could tell that they were enjoying themselves a lot.

Free balloons. Anyone?
Nice tattoo, huh? It’s given free to everyone there! ;) They’re in the goodie bags, and here’s one on someone’s arm!

just before 12nn, the emcees(belinda chee and her partner, both working hard on Valentine’s Day) welcomed everyone.
 and then Berry and Lemon – our favourite fruity couple arrived.

The crowds loves ‘em, especially the kids. Uh huh, the cameras love ‘em too. Cameras were flashing non-stop ever since they stepped in.
 After a round of flashes and clapping, the emcees asked Lemon if she was happy with Berry’s Valentine’s gift to her, to which she replied with a shake of her head – she wasn’t happy because the heart wasn’t filled to the brim. Well, Berry definitely need some help for that!
The remedy to the heroine’s disappointment was – he had to get purple bottle caps immediately and fill the Purple Heart to the brim! The emcees then persuaded the audience and on-lookers on Berry’s behalf to contribute their caps and help Berry to fulfill he pledged! Finally, with the help of the shoppers and amused on-lookers, the heart is filled with purple bottle caps!
  Lemon is finally satisfied with it. & she is definitely happy now. ;)
 And… Tadahhhh! The unveiling of the completed Ribena Biggest Purple Heart!!!!
 The heartfelt (and big) token of love from Berry to Lemon made us all coo and go ‘awww’; it was a really sweet gesture. It kinda made me feel more positive about love. :)

The event continues with the photo opportunity for all of us. Being people who love taking photos, all of us took the chance to take pictures with Berry and Lemon, the adorable couple, and the big purple Ribena heart.
Two lovely couples.
A group photo of Berry’s supporters with Berry and Lemon in the middle
After that, we adjourned to GSC Cinema Hall for the movie screening of “New in Town”.
 Ribena’s goodies bags are given out there. ;) It included Ribena with Lemon in a pet bottle - 500ml, Ribena Mobile 330ml, tattoos (the ‘perfect match’ tattoo), etc.

Ticket also entitled us to redeem one hotdog & one medium sized caramel popcorn.

In the end, huaibin ate my hotdog. I was too full, – so the kind Huaibin helped out and ate my hotdog for me. :)

The movie ended on 2.50pm. It is an awesome movie for Valentines. When the movie ended, it also signified that the event for the day ended. It was a well-spent Valentine’s Day, no doubt. Kinda glad I didn’t stay home to mop. I had fun. ;) Then, there was a very short gathering before going on with own plans with the nuffies and some other bloggers outside the cinema.
Goodie bag = Valentine’s present from Ribena. Teehee.

“Ribena with Lemon is the perfect match for those who are constantly looking for a more fulfilling and contemporary taste experience”. I’ve tasted Ribena with Lemon when it first came out, and I liked instantly, ‘cause it was in a ready to drink pack, and it tasted really good, the tangy flavour of lemon mixing with the signature berry taste that Ribena is famous for. When later I learned that it is 25% lesser in sugar compared to the regular variant and also rich in Vitamin C, I loved it even more. Have I mentioned that there’s no artificial sweetener, colouring nor flavour? It’s practically packing all good stuff into one drink!
Ribena with lemon? Me likey.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009
11:09 PM
last semester final results
My photo just lied, because, today is not a fine day. * I know I am not suppose to smile, but hell, I basically don't look good in any other expressions, which sucks big time. yea.
bad day,
last semester final results are out. my result, are just plain "awesome". I have no "A". not even a single one.
my results :
click for larger view.
 two B-, two B, & two B+. yesh, all Bs. and, I hate it much.
* during my standard six. I remember Carmen's dad used to challenge her to get straight B, yesh, seven B for UPSR. He said, seven Bs is even harder to score compare to seven As. yea.
I just did it, i guess. how proud?
Well, I have been expecting for at least 2 As. sociology and web page design. obviously, didn't meet my expectation. uhhh.
How I feel? nothing. just, disappointment overwhelmed.
my parent? nag, as usual. :) "girl, you have to study harder from now onwards." the same line, every time.
guess I really have to study hard for my last semester. I promise, myself.
Night, Starbucks with the girls, Kehui & Carmen.
I got so addicted with Starbucks. I just couldn't accept the fact that there's no Starbucks in Kampar. just so, you know.
 We meet up at Starbucks because Kehui too is craving for her Iced chocolate. guess now, she is satisfied. ;)
& Carmen said my Java chips tastes like herbal tea. wtf. when Carmen was wasting the Starbucks' tissue, I showed her the print on the tissue. some less napkins, more planets thingy.
"have you all listen to the radio this morning? some Aussie dude said, stay married and save the planet. because divorce leads the newly single to live more wasteful lifestyles." said kehui.
wonder how? let's imagine.
married couple might only need a car. and they sleep in the same room.
when they divorced, they definitely need another car, need more rooms, more electricity and more water supply.
It's very true indeed.
the gorgeous nerds.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009
9:30 PM
Kampar trip
Is not that we are not meant to be together, maybe we're just not ready for forever.
went to Kampar with yanting yesterday. took a metrobus from Jaya 1, and then, off to KL Sentral.
Realize that it's still early, as the departure time is 1300. & so I went to have my java chips, and yanting had her Thai fried rice.
Starbucks FTW.
 Now, it's not necessary to drive all the way to Kampar. Because, KTMB have shutter services every four hour from KL-IPOH-KL now. 1st train will be on as early as 5am, and the last train will be on 9pm. It will take only 2 and a half hour from KL to Kampar. indeed convenient. The pricing for tickets are as below: economic class - RM9. superior class - RM16.
Yanting got us the superior class tickets.
 The air-conds' temperature are well controlled. I have no complains for the comfortableness of the sits. there's 2 tv in one box. & instead of showing advertisement, it plays movie, cartoons, etc.
it's definitely more comfortable than you driving a car there. oh yea, you do not need to stop by for toilet too. ;)
 New friends in the train. this two are really cute.
Reach Kampar KTM station around 3, yanting's parent came and pick us up. Then, went to pick Fanny who travel by bus from Taiping up too.
Reach yanting's house, she took her car and fetch us out to look for houses for rent.
We 1st went to a house my relative recommended. The house is clean & the rental fees is very reasonable, just it's a little too small to fit 6 of us. so yea.
After that, went to our future campus, THE UTAR KAMPAR, to have a look.
THE UTAR KAMPAR. spot the hill/mountain behind it.

The guard house.
The 1st place I went to check out is the campus's loo. wtf, i know.well, I fall in love with it in the 1st sight. It's clean and there's no stinky smells in there.most importantly, there's...huge mirror in the loo. *PJ campus's loo's mirror is only enough for me to see my head, oh well, maybe head & neck.
 The canteen. spacious and clean. fanny loves the color of the tables and chairs.
Reason I got devoted: The canteen is just beside the lake.
Fanny couldn't resist, and took a photo with the colorful table and chairs. Buildings in the campus.   outrageous learning environment, yes?  bicycle for sales? nah, 90% of the students here cycle to campus. fishing, what an ideal pass time. since there's no mall, no starbucks, no club.
 oh yea, before I forget,I would like to show my sincere appreciation towards yanting that fetch us around, without a single rant.
Fanny had been complaining that his stomach is making noise ever since before we enter the campus. After a quick visit, we went makan.yanting, became our tourguide.
She brought us to a restaurant name YAU KEE that is said to be well-known with their delicious bread chicken. bread chicken (small portion, curry favoured)  I have no idea why she seems to be so upset. lol.  curry chicken. I couldn't eat spicy food, and so I end up eating till I have tears in my eyes.  self timer. I couldn't rate, because it's too "hot" for me to actually know how nice is it.but, the price, is very reasonable, i guess.rm25, for 3 people. After we filled-up our stomach, we headed over to the cyber cafe.There's 3686231355318763186318 cyber cafe alongside, and we went in to a cafe name Khakabo."A very decent cyber cafe - Khakabo. With good computers, comfy couch and reasonably priced at RM2 per hour"- mengleongSpent one hour plus inside there, then, we continue our house searching journey, with yanting fetching us all around.
went to a few houses, not satisfied. Fanny later on suggested us to travel in bike, instead of car, after he saw many travel around in bike.
what a brilliant suggestion, I haven't been cycling for the past few years. wtf.
oh well, we later on really travel around in bike searching for "for rent houses". till 10 something, yanting and I start feeling hungry. cycle to an ice-house nearby to chill over there.
my honey jelly thingy. RM2.20, if I am not mistaken.It's rm4.50 @ snowflakes, ss15, but still, I prefer the one in snowflakes.because, I think it tastes much more nicer & the portion is bigger though It's a little more expensive. my camera flashing in the dark.
Got back to yanting's house around 12am, and shyt, I realize I forgotten to bring my lens solution out. and again, without a single complain, she fetched me to the nearest 7-11 to get my lens solution.I couldn't sleep, that night, probably because it's not my house, and I am not used to it.I had actually force yanting and fanny to stay awake. I am terrible. lol.
Fanny :“ 佳佳一天不睡觉,真的是会天下大乱。”
basically means, If I am not sleeping, there's no peace.
The next morning, we went to look at the house for rent a few houses next to yanting's house. It's a 3 storeys terrance house.
That house is big, spacious and clean. most importantly, it's almost fully furnished.
study table, dressing table, mirror, bed, bed sheets, dining table, tv, refrigerator, etc. the toilet is uber clean too, me likey.
That house can fit 9 people, and is only rm800/month for the whole house. why not? we quickly agree to pay the down payment for it.
& that ends our house-searching journey. ;) the only thing is that, it's a little far from our campus. 10 mins if we cycle to campus, perhaps.
Right after that, we went to eat.yanting brought us to a pasar for breakfast, she says the food there is kuet teow with egg, it's only rm2.00. it's indeed cheap, but, not-so-tasty.
yanting's prawn mee looks good. with such huge prawns, it's only rm3.50. ;)

I would say that food is kampar is cheap. It's not as good as I thought it is. well, let's see.maybe, I will be able to "explore" some places in Kampar with finger licking good food later on.
some of the ramdom review of mine towards Kampar in this 2 days,
- Seafood-ish human with colorful hair are very common.
- Food are promisingly cheap.
- There's neither Mcd nor Starbucks.
- Cows are everywhere. same goes to the bullshit/cow dung.
- The air is much more fresher and cooler in compare to Subang.
- Hills and lakes are everywhere.
- No shopping mall.Tesco is the only "mall".
- The locals speak mainly cantonese/hakka.
- Cyber cafes in abundance.
- Taxi services are unavailable.
Arghh, I still love Subang.I never stay apart with my family, and I know I over-depends on them, I really don't know how am I possible to survive staying outside without my parents and siblings, and of course, my closest girlfriends. I kinda breakdown, mentally.
Fanny said I am too pampered at home, it's time to learn to be more independent. maybe. Well, around 1330, we, fanny and me said goodbye to yanting. we departed from Kampar by then.
The smart ass us got down to the wrong station. instead of KL Sentral, we got down at Sentul. Then, we bought tickets to go to KL Sentral.
Only after that I realize that I can go back to Subang straight from Sentul. I bought 2 tickets to Subang, after that only realize that Fanny is not going to Subang.
That's not the worst yet, the worst is that I suppose to take the Port klang train to get back to Subang. but instead of that, I go in to the Seremban train with Fanny which he later get down at the KL sentral station. & me, I only realize that I am on the wrong train after Fanny got down. I don't know where I am going to, simply get down at some random station.
I asked the guard for help, and get screw by that fellow because of my "carelessness". hello, I RARELY take train.
I start to get panic, and eventually dropped my tears. It's raining heavily and I am at the station alone with another woman. I feel so helpless, and so, I cried. stupid, I know. irresistable la!! few minutes later, came another few malay guys that came near to me, smoking and smiling at me. wtf! I called Fanny, he asked me to get back to KL sentral, he will get back there and get back to Subang with me.
Bought ticket and rush in to the train back to KL sentral. I am extremly lucky that day, I guess, when I get in, the train happened to have problems. The door couldn't close.
after much efforts of the staffs there, the door still remain unclosed. they later on decided to let the train move with the door open.
yes, like this.
This incident somehow cheer me up a little, looking at those people facial expression when they trying so hard to close the door up make me smile. I don't know why.There's another angmoh in the train that seems to be rushing for meeting keep shaking his head when he knows that the train is facing some problems. but he eventually smile, when he saw me taking photo of it. just so.
I got back to KL sentral safely, and Fanny get back to Subang together with me. Ensure that I am back to Subang in one piece. lol. thanks friend, that's what people call the sweet responsible of a friend, perhaps. appreciated.
p/s - what's the exact distance from jalan intan 2, taman bandar baru, kampar to UTAR?
yours truly
Tzia Tzia a.k.a Cherlin.
Turns eighteen on this 4th of July.
An attest chocoloate indulger.
& a typical pink lover.
A certified romanticism, exceptionally dreamy and bubbly
Idolize Leah Dizon with an utmost hawt body, and Jaychou's fabulous songs.
currently unavailable
Thank you
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Inspirations : Amelia :D
Cursor : Lovelycore
Graphics : Angelicreations