today is a not so good day.
甚至,它连一个故事都称不上。。。” - 《不爱,也是一种爱》
I could still remember on valentines day, how my parents were still holding hands having red wine, laugh and joke around. how sweet, I thought.
but well, it didn't last.
the other day when I got home, I saw my mom sobbing, right in front of her laptop.
I asked her what happened. She said nothing. which, obviously, like DUHHH, something happened.
The only thing I know is that, my dad causes that to happened.
& if he is the main cause, we are the minor cause.
now, she is ignoring us, my dad, my siblings, and me.
I don't know what happened.
I am alone at home with my mom today. and when, she is ignoring, I am actually talking to the wall. ha, I will be admitted to the mental hospital soon enough if this continue. lol.
p/s - seems like my dad had apologized. just, didn't help much.
p/p/s - i want to see my mom smile again. & sohai with us again.
you are still not the reason for me to fall in love. just like that.
I admit, I have some kind of expectations, in some ways. which is your mission impossible.
I dislike the smoke in the air. which is your addiction and you are so in love with it.
I despise emo, I mean, emo-ness to a certain extent. which is your 24/7 habits and you said you are born to be so.
& I don't feel the love. yea.
p/s - *screams*
我们只能不爱以爱,尽管,爱情,给我们一次机会。 - 《不爱,也是一种爱》