Tuesday, March 31, 2009
9:07 PM
Kampar houses @
If you really know me, you will know that I rarely go online shopping, only if it provide fast, efficient and simple sell buy process, just because I dislike complicated procedure during shopping. Well, in another word, I am just too lazy. ;)& that's why I am more than happy when I found mudah.myIt's just like its name, mudah. simple and convenient. - You don't even need to sign up to sell or purhase item.The best part is, you can post your advertisement there for free.- You can also buy and sell in the region of your choice. eg. selangor ONLY.Higher chance for the availability for C.O.D., so that you will have no worries that your item purchased will lost during delivery. Ha!- Most of the sellers provide info that enables you to contact him/her directly instead of sending PM in the website.Other than that, variety of items is now selling at They are selling all sorts of interesting items that keep me browsing through it for a day.& I spotted this extremely cute phone. Besides sell buy business, many useful advertisements are shown too.I randomly type “Kampar Utar” in the search box and thought that it will show no result. But well, it turns showing two ads that are unexpectedly useful. See right, I know I had mentioned that I found a house to be rent at Kampar some time ago. But we didn’t rent it in the end, because the owner of the house simply raises the rental fees and we realize it’s quite a distance between the house and Utar. So yea.Thought of spending another 2 days to find a new house there, but now things are much easier. At least, I don’t need to cycle around for hours just to check which house has the “for rent” tag and call up one by one to check about the price and stuff, because has just showed me all the info I want within a minute, how wonderful. The contact of the advertiser is also available. All I need to do is ring him up, and ask about it in detail. How convenient. The location seems to be good, he even provide a map showing the distance of the house from Utar, it’s only about 600m. ;)Since the price is reasonable and location is good, I will be going down to Kampar again to see this particular house. & if it’s satisfying, I will rent it, straight away. It saves me lots of time, and also makes your life easier, at least, for me.I had said a lot, why not YOU go check it out yourself at now! ;)
8:16 PM
I'm a musicon celebrity thanks to maxis broadband
I am imitating the gorgeous leah dizon, yes, my idol. Hell, who doesn't want her pretty face and body to kill. Oh yea, I am doing this because I want to go to Nuffnang Music Bash 2009!!!
Why I chose to imitate Leah Dizon?
1st, She's my idol 2nd, I am stuck, I have no idea which celebrity I can actually imitate successfully. 3rd, I am inspired when I saw Ringo's blog on how she actually imitate Jolin. 4th, I have a few photos which I am posing similarly to some of leah's photos.
& so yea, the malaysian not-so-sexy Teah Tizon is born. please do bare with my tak tau malu-ness ;) yea, wtf.
haha, never know if I got the most uninspiring award marr, yes?
Ok, let's see yea.
spot the similarity?

ok, she's way too sexy to imitate, you see.

we got "hood".

& this one.
Everytime when I go for a photoshoot, my photographer will ask me to try to do the seducing expression". &, I failed, even I have tried for 726381276381726318263712361 times.
still, I die die want to COPY. lol.
 Yes, I know I failed kinda badly. but, tell me, who don't want to be like her?
If only I were Leah Dizon, I will be receiving flowers every single days. No doubt bout that. & wouldn't be emo-ing over no flowers on Valentines. yea.
Also, I will be having a full wardrobe of pretty clothes and will going for photo shoot, then appear in magazine everyday instead early classes everyday. yea. how nice. yes?
Ok, too much craps. time to go to bed and hoping to turn into someone like Leah Dizon in my sweatsweet dreamland.
Tiah Tizon signing off.
Monday, March 30, 2009
7:34 AM
Earth Hour
Once again, this post should be posted up yesterday.But thanks to the smart ass TM Net, I couldn't connect to the internet and causes the delay.
First of all, I am excited. why? David Archuleta is going to hold his live concert at KL very soon. &&& Digi is giving out two free passes to his concert.
check out how to win these free passes here.
So yea, the day before yesterday, which is a Saturday, I attended the Panasonic event @ Sunway Pyramid with another few bloggers. It's simply awesome and I enjoyed myself pretty much. ;)Will update bout it soon.
Puma Hoodie with my blog link on it? ;)
& & & EARTH HOUR!!!What did you people did? Had a splendid night?Right after the panasonic event, together with the other's ex scouts committee member, we went to have dinner together.
Passed by our school and had a peek on our juniors.
Was scratching our head thinking of where to have our dinner.Someone suggested KFC, and I wanted to go to Mcd simply because there's no Mcd in Kampar. wtf I know. But hell, they insisted KFC, so yea. scrumptious? ahh, I don't fancy KFC.
Top row from left to right : Junkang, Clement, Carlson Bottom row from left to right : Jiayi. Yuanshuang, & yours truly.
After our dinner, it's about 8.30pm, Earth Hour, yea. Guess what I did?We, go around in car, wined down the car window, shouting like some newspaper collector, asking people to switch off their light. Damm semangat, yes?Jiayi was way more semangat, she even turned OFF her car's head light while driving.Earth Hour wert. lol.Ok larr, we did something special during the EARTH HOUR.Since our house's lights were all off, we went back to our secondary school, joined our junior for Malam Kebudayaan.did I just say I miss Scouts few days back? how lucky.But something that disappoint me much is that,instead of the usual camp fire that we did in the previous year.
 I saw this. disappointing, no? or is it because of Earth Hour. =.+
 & I don't really understand why are their camp on the tar road.
 Things change, for God knows why. Still, I am glad to have the same old faces around.  once a scouts, always a scouts. indeed.  & did I saw I miss "penyakit" penyakit - A game where the infected create a virus and pass it to another person. & That person is required to create a new virus, and pass it down to another person.
I got caught by the infected, and so, had the chance to play it that day. They even created a tepukan Tzia Tzia for me, wtf, yes?
Just, this year, it seems to be rather dead. yea. I don't know why.
 spot me?  Also, the night walk. ... a half round turn, & a new friend found. ;) Tunnel of love. It has really been awhile.
So far, imo, the best tunnel of love was still the one during Sophie's year.
 these people camwhore using my camera when I am off for Tunnel of love.  Junkang, the pimp.  this is taken when I wasn't ready.  spot the two ghost behind us?  a close up for the "ghost"  A photo after MK ended. 104th scouts ex committee ;)  Went to Bliss Cafe before we went home.
Earth hour. Mine was kinda meaningful, as I am back to the 104th scouts Malam Kebudayaan once again. & played those games that I missed so much.I am satisfied. ;)...&, a photo during work last week.
Kaspersky. ;)

Thursday, March 26, 2009
7:44 PM
*This post supposed to be posted up yesterday, but due to the bad connection in my house, I can only post it up today. ;) *
me, in formal wear, camwhoring using webcam. yea. cause the brilliant me left my camera at Kampar. =(
I love wearing formal wear.But this sem, there's no presentation, no chance to be in formal wear.Till yesterday, we finally wore formal again.Not for presentation purpose, but for photo shoot session.Photographer in my class, Khai took a photo of every single one of us in formal wear.and will be using it to produce a video to be play in the "EVERLASTING SENTIMENTAL" dinner party.Oh yea, to all fellow friends from UTAR Foundation in Arts.My class. TB1, is organizing a prom look-a-like dinner party right after our final exam.You can purchase your tickets from next week onwards with the price of only RM20. ;)YES, I M HINTING YOU TO COME FOR THE NIGHT AFTER WHOLE LOADS OF CRAPS.okayyyyy?I am pretty sure that it would be a great night.Yesteday was a rainy day.Still, after class, I suggested to have something cold @ the guys actually agreed.&, I met my primary class monitor, Tiffany, over there. ok la, well, we were in the same secondary school also. wtf. but seriously, I haven't been seeing her for quite awhile. She was there waiting for her prince to finish his job. so yea, we had a short chit-chat session. No photo, blame me for leaving my dearest camera baby at Kampar all alone with some strangers. yea. When I got home, sister told me that she will be going for scouts' recruit camp tomorrow. & She will need to prepare some woods for fire starting purpose. Scouts. it has been quite awhile. I then voluntarily accompany my sister to go get some woods from the field opposite my house. *all photos below are taken using dad's camera*with my formal wear. yes.
I remember there was one when I was using a parang chopping a wood during recruit camp.Sir kok wai came to me, and said:" wahh, tziaa, you are chopping a wood!!!"Guess it's unbelievable to him.
 my sister. I miss those times.Sitting around the camp fire playing games, singing songs and listening to ghost stories told by the elderly with my seniors and all the juniors.I miss "PENYAKIT" marching is never my thing though.Talking about being in worst experience in scouts after 5 years is when....Sir chiaching ordered us to be in line on 4, 5am after one whole sleepless night, till the sun rise.I almost collapse. yea. I have to admit that I really learn a lot in scouts.somehow, it turns me into a better person too.I have to thanks Ms.Sophie for giving me the chance to be in the board of directory after all.You said I am your miracle, and I want to say that I am really proud to be your miracle. ;)Also, I had bunch of very sweet juniors.They drew this for us during over farewell.
 & also this hand made card. I love it so much. wanted to laminate it. but they say it's too big and thick to be laminated. so yea. Scouts life?no doubt the best damm thing in my secondary school life. Earth Hour 2009. Everyone, everywhere, in every city in the world, is encouraged to turn out their lights for one hour.Support for this movement by turning out your lights on the 28th of March 2009 between 8.30pm-9.30pmI am going to switch off the lights, how bout you?want to know what will I be doing in the dark for this one hour? stay tune.Last but not least,I spotted a pretty top which cost only RM35. GRAB!! yes, the bitch, KHOOKHOO has started up her own online boutique.Selling pretty yet affordable clothes.It's time to fill up your wardrobe. teehee. ;)
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
6:53 PM
when depression turns into anger
I am sorry, I couldn't fake my smile any longer. You had just exceed my patience limit, and ignited the fire inside me.
I guess you just love to see us, girls, got flooded by tears, yes? may I grant your wish? And then, drown you with our tears?
when someone got over depressed, depression will eventually turns into anger. which urge me slap you. yea.
*comments off*
Monday, March 23, 2009
6:12 PM

哇塞,問得超屌的。 好像自己收了很多花似的。
唉,悲 、哀。
是時候戒掉了。 ;)
Saturday, March 21, 2009
8:43 PM
Good day
Yesterday was no doubt a bad day.but things seems to be different when sun rise and shine again the next day. ;)Tears no more and anger faded. Things get so much better in this beautiful morning. I had tried my best, I know. Mom runs her fingers through my hair, waking me up gently like how she always did.Made me breakfast and prepared me with everything I need to bring along.Then, daddy drive me to campus. Nothing, just that I feel very pampered by them in certain way. Followed my classmates and the others to a family talk by YB Dato Seri Dr. Ng Yen Yen about the awareness of the importance of having a strong, safe and harmonious family@ Sunway Hotel.She said something that I personally think is quite true.She said it is not easy to be the man of the family. What happened when one got stressed out or emotionally disturbed?Women can express themselves by pouring all out to her friends or by crying.& Man couldn't do all these due to their born by nature's egoism.Indeed, I had never seen my dad cry, not even once.Purple ribbon campaign launching ceremony.
 Officially launched.
 all of us were given a purple ribbon badge.  classmates
 & some others from UTAR. I stayed there for an hour then we headed to Pyramid.Emily was complaining that she is starving, and desperately craving for food.But shopping seems to be more important, we walked around for quite awhile before we go makan.Ate at RM Cafe.Then, we(the girls) continue to shops while the guys followed. Pyramid's washroom. well, it has been quite awhile.
Planned to go to Red box but failed due to certain reasons.In the end, chilled at Gasoline.Randomly, we talked about plastic surgery.& discussed which part in our self that we think need to undergo plastic surgery the most.& most of us said nose.well, we, the typical chinsese don't have the white's nose, you see.  笑着哭泣?你不累吗?   & Emily and I realize that when a guy trying to check out your availability..Instead of..." do you have a boyfriend?"they will ask something like..."eh, not going out with boyfriend today?""eh, your boyfriend leh?""eh, your boyfriend mind you talking to me?".. true.& there a guy approached a friend of mine with a very weird unique way.He trying to get her msn." eh, you got msn?""yea." She replied." oh, your msn got address on right?""yea. like. DUHHH." &When he trying to get her phone number."eh, this one your phone ah?" he took her phone away."yea.""eh, got number one ah?""HUH??!! OH.. nono. this phone has no sim card." She answered sarcastically.How weird unique he is. lol.After that, they went off by bus.& mom came and picked me up.remember this? this is before.
 & the after. yea. I changed the cover. & It looks brand new now. ;)  I got my pink phone a new pouch and a new phone accessory.  handmade handphone pouch from InQbox - rm9.90 bride voodoo doll phone accessory from Minitoons - rm9.95 ;) good day,people.
yours truly
Tzia Tzia a.k.a Cherlin.
Turns eighteen on this 4th of July.
An attest chocoloate indulger.
& a typical pink lover.
A certified romanticism, exceptionally dreamy and bubbly
Idolize Leah Dizon with an utmost hawt body, and Jaychou's fabulous songs.
currently unavailable
Thank you
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Inspirations : Amelia :D
Cursor : Lovelycore
Graphics : Angelicreations