The breakdown is welcoming me.
so long since the last time I felt this way.
I had lost my skill of communication, once again.
I can no longer joke around with them, the bunch of people that I used to call them, my friend.
I tried hard to make this bunch of people my friends rather than just classmate, But,
From the second he throw my phone down on the table, and act like nothing happened,
From the second I cried and I walked away, but nobody bother to call and look for me,
I know, I failed.
Self handicapping in a failure like me doesn't help, I failed,
even in finding an excuse to defend myself.
Yea, I am depressed.
Thanks yeewei for asking me to tag along for LEFT 4 DEAD.
& the other guys that said they will play the role of the infected just to let me shoot, though they are the one killing me in the end. Appreciated, still.
Follow by lunch with Ivan, yeewei and Chianwei.
Then, accompanied the guys for bowling.
&, yea, I played bowling for the 1st time in my whole life.
I hit 9 pins in the 1st shoot. Yeewei and Ivan got so shocked.
Then, I missed all in all the following play. yea. & They say that's normal. lol.
Went to arcade.
played the mini bowling.
It's much much more easier. ;)
I didn't want to go home. I know I will be thinking a lot when I am alone.
& so, I suggested Snow Flakes.
Ivan suddenly join me for camwhore voluntarily. Unexpected.
But well, it makes me feel so much better.
Thanks Ivan, I bet you don't know you had just did me a favor.
I believe that sweet stuff has the ability to sweetened up the bitter-ness in me at that moment.
So instead of the sour dessert that I order every time I visit Snowflakes, I tried something sweet today.
snowflake's best seller - grass jelly ice with taroballs.
chewy taroballs on layers of grass jelly over a healthy portion of grass jelly ice.
p.s. - alright, time for assignments. ;(