me, in formal wear, camwhoring using webcam.
yea. cause the brilliant me left my camera at Kampar. =(

I love wearing formal wear.
But this sem, there's no presentation, no chance to be in formal wear.
Till yesterday, we finally wore formal again.
Not for presentation purpose, but for photo shoot session.
Photographer in my class, Khai took a photo of every single one of us in formal wear.
and will be using it to produce a video to be play in the "EVERLASTING SENTIMENTAL" dinner party.
Oh yea, to all fellow friends from UTAR Foundation in Arts.
My class. TB1, is organizing a prom look-a-like dinner party right after our final exam.
You can purchase your tickets from next week onwards with the price of only RM20. ;)
I am pretty sure that it would be a great night.
Yesteday was a rainy day.
Still, after class, I suggested to have something cold @ Snowflakes.
lol. the guys actually agreed.
&, I met my primary class monitor, Tiffany, over there.
ok la, well, we were in the same secondary school also. wtf.
but seriously, I haven't been seeing her for quite awhile.
She was there waiting for her prince to finish his job.
so yea, we had a short chit-chat session.
No photo,
blame me for leaving my dearest camera baby at Kampar all alone with some strangers. yea.
When I got home, sister told me that she will be going for scouts' recruit camp tomorrow.
& She will need to prepare some woods for fire starting purpose.
Scouts. it has been quite awhile.
I then voluntarily accompany my sister to go get some woods from the field opposite my house.
*all photos below are taken using dad's camera*
ok la, well, we were in the same secondary school also. wtf.
but seriously, I haven't been seeing her for quite awhile.
She was there waiting for her prince to finish his job.
so yea, we had a short chit-chat session.
No photo,
blame me for leaving my dearest camera baby at Kampar all alone with some strangers. yea.
When I got home, sister told me that she will be going for scouts' recruit camp tomorrow.
& She will need to prepare some woods for fire starting purpose.
Scouts. it has been quite awhile.
I then voluntarily accompany my sister to go get some woods from the field opposite my house.
*all photos below are taken using dad's camera*
with my formal wear. yes.
I remember there was one when I was using a parang chopping a wood during recruit camp.
Sir kok wai came to me, and said:" wahh, tziaa, you are chopping a wood!!!"
Guess it's unbelievable to him.
I miss those times.
Sitting around the camp fire playing games, singing songs and listening to ghost stories told by the elderly with my seniors and all the juniors.

marching is never my thing though.
Talking about being in line.
my worst experience in scouts after 5 years is when....
Sir chiaching ordered us to be in line on 4, 5am after one whole sleepless night, till the sun rise.
I almost collapse. yea.

I have to admit that I really learn a lot in scouts.
somehow, it turns me into a better person too.
I have to thanks Ms.Sophie for giving me the chance to be in the board of directory after all.
You said I am your miracle, and I want to say that I am really proud to be your miracle. ;)
Also, I had bunch of very sweet juniors.
They drew this for us during over farewell.
& also this hand made card.
I love it so much. wanted to laminate it.
but they say it's too big and thick to be laminated. so yea.

Scouts life?
no doubt the best damm thing in my secondary school life.
Everyone, everywhere, in every city in the world, is encouraged to turn out their lights for one hour.
Support for this movement by turning out your lights on the 28th of March 2009 between 8.30pm-9.30pm
I am going to switch off the lights, how bout you?
want to know what will I be doing in the dark for this one hour? stay tune.
Last but not least,
I spotted a pretty top which cost only RM35. GRAB!!
yes, the bitch, KHOOKHOO has started up her own online boutique.
Selling pretty yet affordable clothes.
It's time to fill up your wardrobe. teehee. ;)