Reached, and met up with the other bloggers, Audrey, Pamsong, and Karen.
We were then told that 5 of us, will be participating in an photography competition and the winner will bring home a brand new Lumix G1, which cost rm2999. *jaw dropped*
All 5 of us were given a Lumix G1 camera, as we will be taking photos with it. It looks like a DSLR, but it isn’t one. However, it produces DSLR camera photo quality.
Sadly, none of us had function such camera before. Lol.
Also, we were given a hoodie look-a-like Puma sweater with other blog link sew on it. Cool, yes?
Besides, we were also given a Subway’s coupon which allows us to have sandwich of our choice as breakfast over there.
“… wear comfortable clothing and comfortable footwear as you will be moving around a lot during the photography competition….” – A message from Nicholas.
I ignored the massage complety, and I actually wore heels there.
ZOMG yea. I thought we will be moving around in only a small area. Never thought we will be RUNNING around the whole Pyramid.
I end up getting a pair of new flats.
After we are all done with our breakfast and stuff, someone from Panasonic guided us how to use the camera. It’s unexpectedly user friendly. ;)
The first thing we did after we learned how to use the camera is CAMWHORING. Haha, bloggers marr.

Photography competition started off on 12.30p.m.
We were given a list of hints which we are supposed to sort the answers out by outselves and took a photo of it in 2 hours time. & below are the photos taken by Lumix G1.
Ohyea, there’s someone following us through out the competiton. But he/she is not allowed to help us to help us to sort out the answers. He/she is only allowed to answer either YES or NO.
Top view of the three Panasonic, Ideas for Life event spot.
Then, the place that allows you to play tennis, boxing, etc…
Largest of it kinds, 150” World’s Largest Plasma Display Panel.
The miniature buildings.
Also, required to took a photo of someone skating motion.
I got this photo by asking a random guy to skate in circle in front of me. Lol. if you ever read my blog, thanks!
Then again, I randomly asked someone if she could be in my photo.
& she agreed, very kind of her. Sunway Lagoon’s view from Starbucks.
& she agreed, very kind of her. Sunway Lagoon’s view from Starbucks.
Panasonic blender, anyone? It’s only rm99, FYI. ;)
There’s one that required us to get to the makeup section in one of the Panasonic booth and took a before after photo of ourselves styling our hair.
That’s pretty challenging, as I had never use a curler before.
Simply twist and turn. A friend of mine which is working as a professional hair stylist in Snips tried to help me but he is not allowed to. So yea, the result:

The part that I dislike the most is the one that require us to get inside here and with the use of the tripod stand, set the self timer, and take a photo of you inside it.
I failed, badly.
A photo of the Lion Head.
This is taken at Sunway Hotel.
It isn’t easy to climb up there and take a 10s self timer shot. Arghh.
It isn’t easy to climb up there and take a 10s self timer shot. Arghh.
Latest model of it kinds, if I am not mistaken.
The toughest part is no other than looking for the IA MASCOT.
I run and chase after it, until I fell down and got a big patch of blue black on my knee and hand.
Lumix g1, I love you.
There’s one section that I missed out. Blame my phone for not receiving the Bluetooth message.
After 2 hours, the competition officially ended. I would say the competition is definitely aspiring without losing the fun in it. Running up and down around Pyramid, approaching strangers, taking photos using the brand new Lumix G1… No doubt, I enjoyed throughout the competition. ;)
The best part is that we were also brought to ZEN Sushi to have our lunch.
Bloggers will never stop taking photos no matter how tired they are, yes?
Candid by Nicholas :
smile, people.
A more decent one of all 5 of us ;)
& Nicholas.
We were given chance to pick whichever lunch se we like from the menu.
Mouth watering, yes?
We were also served with desserts. Girl’s all time favorite.
Waffle with ice cream.
Definitely sweet.
After we filled up our stomach with scrumptious food, we got back to the panasonic booth again.
Selected and submitted our best shots, we loitered around the booth and camwhore a lot a little while waiting for the winner to be announced.
As usual, Shinyee go M.I.A.
Finally, the result is at judgment feet, all of us were invited to the stage. Everyone were so eager to know who is going to be the winner and bring home the brand new Lumix G1 camera.
Deng deng deng deng, the MC then announced the winner of the competition, which is…
PAM from tinkitalks!! Congrats! ;)
Even though the rest of us failed to win the camera home, we were given 3 big begs of goodie begs.
& the experience is surely enjoyable and unforgettable.
Thanks Panasonic.
It’s such a great weekend.
Panasonic, Ideas for life ;)