Mon came to visit me with her cute boyfriend.
I told her he's cute,
But she thinks I'm just trying to made her happy.
Whatever then.
so envy, those couples can shopping and spend time together.
& my boyfriend.
he came, but..
well, less than 10 minutes he left.
we have nothing to talk about.
and me don't feel like talking to him any longer.
the way he talk is like so different.
I guess he had mixed too much with his so called "BEST FRIEND"
Damm it. I damm don't like it.
it's like....
er.. I just don't know how to explain.
it's just sux!

Boyfriend use his house phone to call me alot.
we had been argue alot..
and need to settle lots of stuff...
His phone bill is out.
he almost got slaughter by his parents.
I'm Teribbly sorry.
I love you still.
I don't like the way you act and talk now.
It's so much like HIM.
you know who I mean.