One day I just realized he was gone for good,
and it was ok.
I have got 3 extremly weird kinky dreams straight in a row last night.
me becoming a toothpaste advertisement superstar. Everyone wants me to be their brand ambassador. know why? because my tooth kept dropping for no reason -every single day-, and it grows back in a day time. It's like it dropped of in the night, on the next morning, dengdengdeng, one whole mouth of new sparkling white tooth.
I joined the macho
something like this, perhaps?

This few days, out of a sudden i will go.. " den den den...., den, den den...."
it's something to do with superman, my friend said.
because of me winning the title of macho woman. People make me the superwoman. like, hell yea! lol. I am a superwoman, how interesting! But instead of flying high up in the sky, I run. *equal dot equal* and there's one scene, I remember me looking as if I am rushing to somewhere saving people urgently. but, don't know how, I end up buying reload card in summit. hmmm.
then, I am awake.
so yea, weird dreams I had that kept me poundering about it the whole day.
reminiscing, lmao!
today, I done my writing for business paper. it's still fine, I guess.
5 more papers to go. sigh.
Besides, I am getting myself a new compact camera. & I am in dilemma in which one to choose.
there's a few models that came into my mind.
at first, I was considering Sony T-77 and Nikon s710.
Nikon s710 produces pretty photo image, but there's no pink. * I am determine to get a pink camera* so yea. Sony T-77 is super awesome in pink, but everyone is telling me not worth getting that.
Then, I start considering bout Sony w130 and Nikon s560. Both of them are in soft metalic pink. I like the color of the camera. The price are almost the same, it's below rm1000.
Nikon coolpix s560.

sony dsc w130.
8.1 megapixels.
8.1 megapixels.

I memang biased sony cause i like the design more.
but there's a number of them suggested me to get nikon one instead.
I am a noob in terms of the features and stuff, need some help here.
so, what do you think?
p.s. - I am probably in love with superman. ;)