Life is to be fortified by many friendships.
To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness of existence.
2nd barred list is out yet I couldn't find any days to skipped class.
still go to class to take exam tips from lecturer and to complete my presentation.
and bout today, it's the last day of my sem2. I thinks this sem ended pretty fast, it's just like in a blink of eye, maybe, there isn't as much dramas as what our class had during sem1. lmao. Wanted to skipped class and sleep at home instead.
but hell, the management make it today the day for us to collect our exam slip. have no choice and went for class. I end up sleeping 3/4 of the time in the class. *paiseh*
yesterday, THRUSDAY,
had my marketing presentation. the last presentation for this sem.
I dressed up in formal properly, and me, the make up noob, tried to make up myself as nice as possible w/o lashes*cause putting it up is very time consuming, so, just mascara will do*.
camwhore session before the presentation, with an excuse that it will makes me less nervous.
okie, that's lame, i know.
emily was forced to be my background. lol.
&, according to the lecturer, our group has the highest marks. teehee. class ended earlier, decided not to wait for yeewei and just take a bus to Pyramid.
waited the bus at the bus stop for at hour. wth.
jiashin called when I am still waiting, asking me whether I want to join her for some blogger event at mist club, bangsar. I said okie.
then, continue waiting for the bus, till one moment I can't stand, together will maggie and Vingent we took a cab.
Reach Sunway, went to PDA Arena to collect my pc fair paid.
my boss Edwin start complaining how fat I am. tsk. I knew and admitted.
on Monday itself I ate -
He was also reading my blog. and he emo cause I didn't blog about him.on Monday itself I ate -
- 2 roti planta.
- one big cup of milk.
- one big bowl of yee mee.
- plenty of sushi.
- & still, I ate my dinner.
He said he want everyone to know....
Reach home around 5, and Ellie*MISSY CHEERIO* came to fetch me along with JiaShin. Then went to Bangsar together with Kat along.
location - mist club, bangsar.
time - 8pm.
event - ruumz party.
Reached there, saw Josh from ADVERTLETS.
& the crowd.
with free-flow drinks.
red wine?
red wine?
the random fellow who came randomly.
je yue and zheng wei*he'sacting camera shy*.
je yue and zheng wei*he's
my real life idol, the gorgeous jiashin. lol.
jiashin . me.
& a closed up.
fav. shot of the day.
fav. shot of the day.
group pictures.
with kat, renee, missy cheerio & jiashin.
with kat, renee, missy cheerio & jiashin.
photo courtesy to missy cheerio.

a camwhore pic of missycheerio and me.

everyone is smiling with teeth, except for me. geee.
SK said i look better smiling like that, * i don't think so though *.
it's like constipated smile. wth.
SK said i look better smiling like that, * i don't think so though *.
it's like constipated smile. wth.

this two trying to act cool.
camera flashing flashing flashing.
jeyue is so TAAAALLLL.
talking bout tall, I saw a lady there who's freaking tall.
even I am with heels, I only reach her shoulder. gosh!
jeyue, you lose d la.
oh yea, met a few people from nuffnang.
The co-founder-Timothy Tiah, Nicholas, Yeehao, Pinky Tham* i like the name*, Melissa, etc.
I was shocked when Nicholas called me. Joined them and get to know them. They are all really friendly people. so glad. =)
* i still love smiling with teeth, wee~ *
* i still love smiling with teeth, wee~ *
Had fun there as there're plenty of pretty girls*woots* & tonnes of friendly people.
Thanks Jiashin for asking me along, this is kinda the 1st time me joining a blogger event. =)
We left early, around 10.
last pic of the day.
p.s. - I want to study! =)
& I am in a good mood today, cause, I had chocolates. =)