My photo just lied, because, today is not a fine day.
* I know I am not suppose to smile, but hell, I basically don't look good in any other expressions, which sucks big time. yea.
bad day,
last semester final results are out.
my result, are just plain "awesome".
I have no "A". not even a single one.
my results :
click for larger view.

two B-, two B, & two B+.
yesh, all Bs.
and, I hate it much.
* during my standard six. I remember Carmen's dad used to challenge her to get straight B, yesh, seven B for UPSR. He said, seven Bs is even harder to score compare to seven As. yea.
I just did it, i guess.
Well, I have been expecting for at least 2 As.
sociology and web page design.
obviously, didn't meet my expectation. uhhh.
How I feel?
nothing. just, disappointment overwhelmed.
my parent?
nag, as usual. :)
"girl, you have to study harder from now onwards." the same line, every time.
guess I really have to study hard for my last semester.
I promise, myself.
Night, Starbucks with the girls, Kehui & Carmen.
I got so addicted with Starbucks.
I just couldn't accept the fact that there's no Starbucks in Kampar.
just so, you know.
We meet up at Starbucks because Kehui too is craving for her Iced chocolate.
guess now, she is satisfied. ;)
& Carmen said my Java chips tastes like herbal tea. wtf.
when Carmen was wasting the Starbucks' tissue, I showed her the print on the tissue. some less napkins, more planets thingy.
"have you all listen to the radio this morning? some Aussie dude said, stay married and save the planet. because divorce leads the newly single to live more wasteful lifestyles." said kehui.
wonder how? let's imagine.
married couple might only need a car. and they sleep in the same room.
when they divorced, they definitely need another car, need more rooms, more electricity and more water supply.
It's very true indeed.
the gorgeous nerds.