It had been a terrible week.
I am lucky enough to have del and mon with me.
Offering me shoulders to cry on and giving me big warm hugs when I need it desperately.
" friendship doubles our joy and divides our grief "
tagged by dearest baby chelle and Monnie.
1.Do you think you are hot?
NOT AT ALL!!! * jeff, I am not being sarcastic*
2.Upload a favorite picture of yourself.
3. Why do u like the picture?
the pacifier. lol.
4. When is the last time you ate pizza?
I don't remember.
5. The last song you listen to?
jay's song.
6. What are you doing right now beside this?
waiting for msg?
7. What name you prefer besides your name?
5 ppl to tagged:
1. Adele
2. Shinyee
3. Jia Shin
4. Kido
5. Maggi
8. Who is number 1?
my sayang-est GF! lol. she is there for me 24/7. *loves*9. Who is number 3 having relationship with?
Bradly. ha!
10. Say something about number 5.
China girl, extremely smart yet humble.
11. How abt number 4?
Thanks for the waffle. a very nice dude.
12. Who is number 2?
my pompuan
Spent my weekend working with Adele at PDA Arena.
Everything goes fine with her by my side.
- ahh, at the same time, I became a light bulb - *fcuking guilty*
I have nice colleagues and supervisor, Edwin that I could share my problems.
I would say, " Edwin, you are so damm pro."
He knew exactly what people thinking, which amazed me a lot.
I don't know what would I be now without you!
Last week classes were total craps. I have got sociology, writing for mass com, writing for business, web page design, marketing and one more subject, * I had forgotten what is it * for this sem.
All boring subjects, plus there was something bothering me which make me couldn't concentrate at all. Proud to say, after one week, I still know nothing about my sem 2 subjects. =.="
oh yea, I got my sem1 finals result long long ago. It was bad.
all B and with 1 A. CGPA 3.2.
said that I would work harder this sem, but seems that my plan is already failing.
I miss my sem1 lecturers! sigh.
Last but not least, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAT BRIAN! =)

and, CHIAN WEI, happy belated birthday too!
all the best to your studies and your relationship with your boy. xoxo.
"Absence makes the heart grow fonder."
p/s - 犯贱,犯贱,就是犯贱!!!
tuning into 说好的幸福呢- Jay chou