不成熟 - by2
我想我还是不够成熟 还达不到 你的要求 我真的没有想的太多 只是怀念 你走以後 离开 难道真的是解脱 难道 真的要事过境迁了以後才懂 倔强说不痛 假装什么伤都没有 倔强抬起头 决不让眼泪往下流 真的不难过 笑着和你挥挥手 如果有一天 我们有缘再见 你会不会想起 说过的永远 | |
But the reality tell me that I am still far away from maturity.
You make me realize how inconsiderate & how childish I still am.
Being sensitive is my nature. I m lack of self confidence.
You couldn't blame me for that, do feel sorry that i am born with nothing good.
Why am I afraid to lose you when you're not even mine...
God knows why. lol.
Everything I do, despite how hard I tried, FAILED.
I only make you feel frustrated.
I feel guilty.
& now,
I need a break through!
" Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass,
It's about learning to dance in the rain."