The heart is stronger Than you thinkWent to little bali at ss15 for a drink.
It's like it can go Through anything
And even when you think It can't it finds a way
To still push on Though
Saturday -
went AMPANG for photoshoot with SHINCHAN & LEONG.
had a great time, they are just so awesome.
* photos gonna be up soon * =)
Night, dinner with family.
then, meet up with my long lost childhood friend/family friend - LEEJUNHAW.
damm that fellow, he drives like a cow. gosh!
I almost died.
oh yea, he got honked.
I was very hyperactive that time, & i honked back that fellow in return.
*luckily that fellow didn't came down and whack me.*
he said :" if there's the next time, you will be sitting at the back!"
see, you look good in this pic.
see, you look good in this pic.
Sunday -
I joined the trackathon. ern, or, better known as hiking organized by UTAR at BUKIT GASING.
I forced FANNY to get me a bottle of mosquitoes repellent because I am afraid of leeches.
& I deliberately used it to poisoned a scorpion.
how terrible huh? lol.
better than when it sting us right?
and kononnya.
fanny taught me a lesson because of me being cruel.
fanny taught me a lesson because of me being cruel.
and it officially started on 9.30am.
I am a bitch, I ditched my friend from the very beginning of the journey.
*forgive me*. I went myself and met new friends.
It's very challenging as it's extremely steep and extremely slipperly.
*forgive me*. I went myself and met new friends.
It's very challenging as it's extremely steep and extremely slipperly.
jessie, yokepeng & hansen.

after 2 hours, we finally finish the up and down 5km hiking journey.

another bunch of girls I met.
they are from kampar, friendly one.
why I am the only one without pose? =.="
prize giving ceremony.
KAMPAR UTAR is the overall champion.
KAMPAR UTAR is the overall champion.
Right after that, before I can actually bath, I went shopping at IKEA with family.
seriouslydammextremelyfucking tired. =(
got some furniture for my pink room.
eye lid falling~
I am too tired, tired of every single thing,got to go to bed and pamper myself with beauty sleep.
good night, sweet dream. :)
p/s - I don't want you as my driver.