14th February, and it’s Valentine’s, the day of love, where people express and show their love to their loved ones, spending momentous time together.
I have no date or dates, or whatsoever, as I mentioned in my earlier post, and to stop myself from moping at home, I went to Sunway Pyramid to witness the historical occasion of the famous ‘perfect match’ icon, Berry and Lemon. And also to see the biggest Ribena Purple Heart, made of Ribena purple bottle caps, from Berry to Lemon on Valentine’s Day, with the nuffies and many other bloggers!
I have no date or dates, or whatsoever, as I mentioned in my earlier post, and to stop myself from moping at home, I went to Sunway Pyramid to witness the historical occasion of the famous ‘perfect match’ icon, Berry and Lemon. And also to see the biggest Ribena Purple Heart, made of Ribena purple bottle caps, from Berry to Lemon on Valentine’s Day, with the nuffies and many other bloggers!
This huge 50 square feet and 10 feet high Ribena heart monument, made of more than 30,000 Ribena purple bottle caps, is not any one or two day work. Remember Berry and Lemon; the two fruits dancing to Bollywood music on the river, in the Ribena with Lemon TV Commercial? Well, Berry is back and he had announced a month ago that he will build a Ribena heart monument as big as 50 square feet and 10 feet high as a token of his love to Lemon. The campaign started a month before Valentine’s Day, & the purple bottle caps were collected from all around Malaysia after Berry announced his pledge to build the biggest Purple Heart for Lemon.
At around 10 am we saw the huge Purple Heart, almost filled to the brim, and a group of Berry’s supporters calling out to shoppers some more purple bottle caps to add to Berry’s token of love to Lemon.
There were also plenty of freebies given away and games for everyone.... free balloons, free Ribena drinks, a Ribena dance challenge with rewards, score perfect match Ribena perfect match dice game to win, etc.
The Ribena dancing game.
From the couple's facial expression we could tell that they were enjoying themselves a lot.
Nice tattoo, huh?
It’s given free to everyone there! ;) They’re in the goodie bags, and here’s one on someone’s arm!
It’s given free to everyone there! ;) They’re in the goodie bags, and here’s one on someone’s arm!
just before 12nn, the emcees(belinda chee and her partner, both working hard on Valentine’s Day) welcomed everyone.
and then Berry and Lemon – our favourite fruity couple arrived.
The crowds loves ‘em, especially the kids.
Uh huh, the cameras love ‘em too. Cameras were flashing non-stop ever since they stepped in.
After a round of flashes and clapping, the emcees asked Lemon if she was happy with Berry’s Valentine’s gift to her, to which she replied with a shake of her head – she wasn’t happy because the heart wasn’t filled to the brim. Well, Berry definitely need some help for that!
The remedy to the heroine’s disappointment was – he had to get purple bottle caps immediately and fill the Purple Heart to the brim! The emcees then persuaded the audience and on-lookers on Berry’s behalf to contribute their caps and help Berry to fulfill he pledged! Finally, with the help of the shoppers and amused on-lookers, the heart is filled with purple bottle caps!
Lemon is finally satisfied with it. & she is definitely happy now. ;)
And… Tadahhhh! The unveiling of the completed Ribena Biggest Purple Heart!!!!
The heartfelt (and big) token of love from Berry to Lemon made us all coo and go ‘awww’; it was a really sweet gesture. It kinda made me feel more positive about love. :)
The event continues with the photo opportunity for all of us. Being people who love taking photos, all of us took the chance to take pictures with Berry and Lemon, the adorable couple, and the big purple Ribena heart.
Two lovely couples.
A group photo of Berry’s supporters with Berry and Lemon in the middle
After that, we adjourned to GSC Cinema Hall for the movie screening of “New in Town”.
Ribena’s goodies bags are given out there. ;)
It included Ribena with Lemon in a pet bottle - 500ml, Ribena Mobile 330ml, tattoos (the ‘perfect match’ tattoo), etc.
Ticket also entitled us to redeem one hotdog & one medium sized caramel popcorn.
In the end, huaibin ate my hotdog.
I was too full, – so the kind Huaibin helped out and ate my hotdog for me. :)
The movie ended on 2.50pm. It is an awesome movie for Valentines. When the movie ended, it also signified that the event for the day ended. It was a well-spent Valentine’s Day, no doubt. Kinda glad I didn’t stay home to mop. I had fun. ;)
Then, there was a very short gathering before going on with own plans with the nuffies and some other bloggers outside the cinema.
Goodie bag = Valentine’s present from Ribena. Teehee.
“Ribena with Lemon is the perfect match for those who are constantly looking for a more fulfilling and contemporary taste experience”.
I’ve tasted Ribena with Lemon when it first came out, and I liked instantly, ‘cause it was in a ready to drink pack, and it tasted really good, the tangy flavour of lemon mixing with the signature berry taste that Ribena is famous for. When later I learned that it is 25% lesser in sugar compared to the regular variant and also rich in Vitamin C, I loved it even more. Have I mentioned that there’s no artificial sweetener, colouring nor flavour? It’s practically packing all good stuff into one drink!
Ribena with lemon? Me likey.